
Our Next Generation

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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We must pass on the history and reality of our faith onto the next generation.

Our Next Generation

Youth Group Plan: Our Next Generation (Psalm 78)

Youth Sermon: Our Next Generation


Today, we're going to talk about the stories we tell and the impact they have on our lives and the lives of others.

You know how we love to share stories, right? We share them on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and all over social media. But have you ever thought about the stories of faith in your life? The stories of how God has shown up for you?

But have you ever thought about the stories of faith in your life? The stories of how God has shown up for you?

Asaph's Story

Let's dive into a cool story from the Bible. It's from Psalm 78. This Psalm was written by a guy named Asaph. Asaph was a musician, kind of like the rockstar of his time. He played the cymbals in King David's band.

Asaph had a big dream. He wanted his kids, grandkids, and all the generations after him to know and love God just like he did. So, he wrote a song, which became Psalm 78.

In this song, Asaph tells the story of how God showed up for the Israelites. He talks about how God split the Red Sea, led them with a cloud by day and a fiery light at night, and provided water from a rock.

But here's the kicker. Asaph wasn't just telling these stories for fun. He was doing it to remind his kids, and their kids, and their kids, about God's faithfulness.

Our Stories

Now, let's do a little object lesson. I want you to think of your favorite movie or book. Got it? Now, imagine if that story ended after the first challenge or problem. It would be pretty boring, right?

Our lives are like that too. We face challenges and problems, but it's through these that we see God's faithfulness. Just like in Asaph's stories, God shows up for us in our challenges.

So, here's the deal. We need to share these stories. We need to tell our friends, our family, our future kids about how God has shown up for us.

Why? Because when we share these stories, we're not just telling about something cool that happened. We're showing others who God is and what He's like.


So, this week, I challenge you to share a story of God's faithfulness in your life. It could be with a friend, a family member, or even on social media.

Let's pray.

God, thank you for being faithful. Help us to remember your goodness and to share the stories of how you've shown up in our lives. Give us the courage to share these stories with others, so they can see who you are and what you're like. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Why is it important to remember what God has done?

2. How can we keep God's deeds at the forefront of our minds?

3. How can we effectively pass on our faith to the next generation?

4. What are some ways God has shown His faithfulness in your life?

5. How can we encourage each other to share our faith stories?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: God's Story Relay

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