Our Mission Series
Contributed by Jon Daniels on Feb 12, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Based on Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, & 2 Tim 2:2 - Challenges the church to consider the biblical mission of the Church
Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Timothy 2:2
FBCF – 2/9/25
INTRO – “Your mission, should you choose to accept it…” – Famous movie line – “Mission Impossible.” Most people think about Tom Cruise when they hear it. But us older folks remember it from way back when. Was actually a TV series that started in 1966 & ran until 1973. The 1st movie w/ Tom Hanks came out in 1996 & there have been 7 of them so far w/ another one coming out in May of this year.
In the original TV series, Mr. Phelps, the team leader, would receive a tape that would have the instructions for the next mission. The tape would begin w/ the statement, “Your mission…” – then after instructions were given, end w/ this statement: “This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.” Smoke would rise from the tape player as the tape disintegrated.
What would follow that first line would be an important mission for the secret agents. There would be those along the way who would try to stop them – would attack them – would try to sabotage them – would oppose them in every way possible, just as there are those who want to oppose, stop, attack, & attempt to sabotage God’s mission for His Church.
I submit to you today that you & I have been invited to be on a mission. As Dan Akroyd said in “The Blues Brothers” movie, “We’re on a mission from God!” And while I’m not suggesting the John Belushi & Dan Akroyd were preachers or evangelists or theologians, I will tell you that that statement from Elwood Blues is absolutely a true statement. We ARE on a mission from God! And we see that in His Word.
EXPLANATION – Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Timothy 2:2
If you’re one of those folks who take notes in your Bible & write the date that I preach certain passages of Scripture, you’ll find that I’ve preached the Matthew passage at least 3 times here (5/2/20, 7/20/21, 7/23/23, & once at Black Jack last July) – Acts 1:8 at least once (2/6/22 – have quoted it a bunch more times) – 2 Tim 2:2 at least twice (1/23/22, 1/28/24). And truth be told, you’re going to hear all 3 of them many more times if the Lord allows me to be your Pastor for a while longer.
Why return to these passages time & time again? Simply put: Because they sum up our mission as Christ-followers & our mission as a church. Did a quick Google search of words “mission sermon” & every one of the top hits had the Great Commission verses somewhere in the sermon – either as the main text or quoted & referenced in the sermon. And, NO, I didn’t just pull one of those sermons off the internet & use it today! ;)
You’ve heard it before & I will say it again today & many times in the days to come – We are on mission with God & for God. Individually we are on mission & corporately we are on mission. It’s interesting to note that, although the word “mission” is not found anywhere in Scripture, it is a thoroughly Biblical word. Kevin DeYoung preached about this word:
The Latin “mittere” is from, where our word “mission” comes from. “Mittere” simply means “to send out.” You have at the end of a service, or the end of a class, you have a “dismissal,” it’s from that Latin word “mittere,” “to send out..” (https://christcovenant.org/sermons/what-is-the-mission-of-missions/)
Acts 1:8 also makes it abundantly clear to us that it is the expectation of Jesus that EVERYONE of His followers be sent out on mission to be His “witnesses.” We like that word b/c it feels safe b/c we take it upon ourselves to decide the different ways we want to witness – ways we feel comfortable witnessing – leave tracts at restaurants or at gas pumps – “I witness w/ my lifestyle.” – Put a Christian bumper sticker on our car or an ichthyus fish symbol. Those are all valid ways to witness & I encourage you to do those things. We will even provide you w/ the tracts to use.
But the Gk word for “witnesses” in Acts 1:8 is actually a lot more serious than we normally think. Means “martyr” – “a witness for Jesus who dies b/c of that witness”
- Acts 22:20 – Paul said, “And when the blood of Stephen your witness was being shed, I myself was standing by & approving & watching over the garments of those who killed him.”
- Hebrews 12:1 – “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders & the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”