
Only Say The Word

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 13, 2024
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This sermon explores the transformative power and authority of God's Word, urging believers to trust and apply it in their lives.


Grace and peace to each of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. What a joy it is to gather together in the house of the Lord. We are here to seek His face, to hear His Word, and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We are not here by accident, but by divine appointment. For God Himself has called us together to be nourished by His Word and to be strengthened in our faith.

Believing in the Power of God's Word

The Roman centurion in our passage today understood something crucial. He knew that Jesus didn't need to be physically present to heal his servant. He knew that Jesus' words carried power. He had faith in the power of Jesus' words. This is a profound truth that we too need to grasp.

When we open our Bibles, we're not just reading words on a page. We're reading God's words! Words that have power. Words that can change lives. Words that can heal, restore, and transform. We need to believe in the power of these words. Think about it. When God created the world, He did it with words. He said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. He spoke, and the world came into existence. His words have power. And the same God who spoke the world into existence speaks to us through His Word.

But it's not enough just to believe that God's words have power. We also need to trust in that power. Trusting in the power of God's words means taking Him at His word. It means believing that what He says is true, even when our circumstances or our feelings tell us otherwise.

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The centurion trusted in the power of Jesus' words. He believed that if Jesus said his servant would be healed, then his servant would be healed. He didn't need to see it to believe it. He took Jesus at His word. This is the kind of faith we need to have. A faith that takes God at His word. A faith that trusts in the power of His words.

But belief and trust are not enough. We also need to act on God's words. James tells us that faith without works is dead. If we believe in the power of God's words and trust in that power, then we need to act on it. The centurion acted on his belief and trust in Jesus' words. He went to Jesus and asked Him to heal his servant. He didn't just sit back and hope that things would get better. He took action. He sought out Jesus and asked for His help.

We too need to act on our belief and trust in God's words. If we believe that God's words have power, then we need to live like it. We need to seek Him out. We need to ask for His help. We need to live our lives in accordance with His words.

Finally, we need to share the power of God's words with others. The centurion's faith was so strong that it amazed Jesus. And because of his faith, his servant was healed. His faith had an impact not just on his own life, but on the life of his servant as well. When we believe in the power of God's words, when we trust in that power, when we act on that power, we can make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Bearing Witness to the Authority of God's Word

As we continue to reflect on the centurion's encounter with Jesus, we see that his faith was not a private matter ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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