One Thing
Contributed by Christopher Humby on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Often there is only ONE THING which God wants us to work on to bring us closer to Him.
One Thing…
Movie=> City Slickers staring Billy Crystal
City Slickers is a movie about three men who are in search for “the meaning of life”.
Each year, these three friends get together and go on a manly adventure
This year they had decided to take a trip to an actual working ranch and help move several hundred head of cattle in a cattle drive
While on their adventure, they meet their trail boss, Curly: the grimy, gristled rough and tough cowboy who would lead them cross country.
As the story unfolds, a conversation between Billy Crystal’s character and Curly takes place.
In it Crystal asks Curly the meaning of it all
Curly slowly raises his index finger in a gnarly old leather glove and proceeds to expound on the meaning of life. “The Secret,” he says, “is ONE THING, but you have to find that one thing for yourself.”
Crystal is confused but Curly remains silent, not even hinting at what that ONE THING is.
What a great question to ask yourself
What is the ONE THING that makes living worth while?
Now we can give the Sunday School answer and say, “God’s love or Jesus’ sacrifice, But I honestly think that there is more.
More to the question and more to what God wants us to realize about the life we live.
Have you found that “ONE THING”?
If not, don’t feel bad. Your not alone.
This morning we are going to look at five situations where people wrestled with the same question: What is the ONE THING?
Situation #1 deals with ONE THING SOUGHT
Turn to Psalm 27:4
I. One Thing SOUGHT (Psalm 27:4)
One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. (NIV)
David, a man after God’s heart understood what was important in his life.
Being Near God
Here he starts out by requesting ONE THING
The ONE THING that sums up his entire life
To live in the presence of God his “natural” life
To see the beauty of God’s Face
To know God in his intimate place
I love the way the Message translates this
Psa 27:4 I’m asking GOD for one thing, only one thing: To live with him in his house my whole life long. I’ll contemplate his beauty; I’ll study at his feet. (MSG)
Are you like David? IS the one thing that means more to you, that makes life worth living your desire to SEEK GOD?
If so, get into his WORD
AND make every effort to be NEAR TO GOD
Situation #2 deals with ONE THING LACKING
II. One Thing LACKING (Matt 19:17-21 Mark 10:21)
In Matthew 19:17-21 we see the story of the rich young ruler and Jesus
He comes to Jesus and asks what he needs to do to have eternal life
Jesus tells him that he needs to obey the commandments
In the parallel story in Mark 10, Jesus lists the commands
Do not murder
Do not commit adultery
Do not steal
Do not tell lies
Do not Cheat
Respect your mother and father
Love your neighbor as your self
The young man responds that he had obeyed these teachings since a young age
Then he asks, “What do I still lack?”
Jesus had compassion on this man
“ONE THING you lack”
Your Almost Complete
You’ve almost achieved your goal
You are doing so good, there is just a little bit more
Go Sell your possessions
Give to the Poor
Treasure will be in heaven
Come and Follow me
The rich young ruler went away sad and failed to follow Jesus
Not just because he had great Wealth
Not just because
But because he LACKED Compassion for his fellow human beings
Selling the possessions was the easy part
Giving it over to the poor was the difficult part
It meant that he was required to love others more than himself
And I don’t know if this man could manage the task
So he goes away, sad and unfulfilled
God desires us to have full lives
And from time to time he will ask us to examine our lives
Telling us that “ONE THING you lack”
How will you respond?
Will you be like the young ruler who missed out on an amazing adventure simply because he didn’t love others as much as himself? Or will you answer the call of Jesus and Follow him?
Situation #3 deals with ONE THING DISCOVERED
III. One Thing DISCOVERED (Luke 10:42)
Jesus and his entourage is invited to dinner
A woman by the name of Martha has welcomed him into her home