
Summary: The sermon is designed to empower all persons to become involved in every phase of the church’s ministry.

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One person can’t do it all (Exodus 18:15-27)

Have you been around someone who came across as being indispensable? From this persons’ stance, nothing could be done right if it was not done by him or her.

Despite the fact that they were others capable of assisting, the person from his or her own reasoning simply felt like they did not need any help.

While there are individuals in life with the above mentioned mindset, we clearly know that everyone can use help at some point. It is simply faulty thinking to believe that one individual can handle all issues, problems, or circumstances solely.

This was the mindset that Moses had. He being a competent leader and having the best interest of those under his leadership simply wanted to do his very best in carrying out his responsibility. Prior to changing his leadership style it could be said that

Moses was a dictator who had his hand in everything that went around him.

Again, to his credit, he was doing what he felt he was supposed to be doing. Fortunately for Moses and the people of Israel, he changed his

leadership style after listening to the advice that he was given by his father-in-law Jethro.

After observing how he had been leading the people, Jethro gave Moses an alternative approach to

leading them that would be more efficient and effective.

This passage of scripture epitomizes for me the fact that, “One person cannot do it all.” Even in trying to do it all Moses as well as the people were wearing themselves out.

Thus, out of respect for what his father-in- law had to say, Moses eventually implemented the new strategy of leadership which proved to be highly effective.

This new model of leadership that Jethro introduced to his son-in-law probably was in place elsewhere but was new to Moses. Yes, people are doing new things all around us and some times we are not able to grasp the significance of it because it’s not

what we are accustomed to.

Moses if he chose to could have rejected his father-in-law’s advice and continue to lead the people in the way that he was accustomed but out of respect and good judgment chose to listen to him.

He after being around his father-in-law had earned his respect and knew that he would not tell him to do anything that was not good for he nor the people of Israel.

This passage of scripture says a lot to me. It says that at some point we who are in leadership roles have to have someone who can be honest with us and give us advice regarding our leadership styles. But, it also says that we who are in leadership roles must also be willing to take constructive criticism and utilize it to strengthen our roles as leaders.

This passage of scripture while it relates to one’s leadership role with people of faith could also be used in other avenues of life. No only is this passage of scripture applicable for use in a community of faith, but it is also beneficial in one’s personal life, on one’s job and in one’s pursuit in other areas of life.

Just as Moses became convinced that one person can’t do it all, we too must realize that one person cannot and should not attempt to do it all.

If anything, we should do our part and attempt to do our part as best as God empowers us. If we assume responsibility for what we should be doing individually, the collective body will be strengthened and able to do anything as a unit.

One can only imagined what was going on prior to Jethro entering the picture with his son-in-law. Scripture tells us that prior to the change of leadership style, Moses literally worked all day and attempted to do everything himself without the

asistance of others.

That had to be time consuming but it also had to be extremely tiring both for Moses and the people who waited for him to deal with the issues that surfaced among them daily.

The modern day church as well as individual members in life can learn a great lesson from this passage.

In particular, as I have attempted to emphasize in more ways that one, no one can do it all and should not even attempt to do it all. One can see that it is wise to listen to others we trust regarding one’s approach to leadership simply because it can help make things better for the leader as well as the people the leader is responsible for guiding.

We also learn that it is never too late to try something new and oftentimes that something new can drastically change an entire atmosphere.

I want to encourage each of us today to remember, that no one person can do it all, but

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