
One of the Seven Deadly Sins

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 23, 2023
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The importance of honesty as God's expectation, the challenges to truthfulness, and the healing process from the habit of lying.


Welcome, beloved, to this gathering where we seek to draw closer to our Creator, to understand His word and His will for us, and to live lives that reflect His love and righteousness. In the midst of our daily hustle and bustle, we often find ourselves wrestling with the complexities of life, and it is in these moments that we need to anchor ourselves in the truth of God's word. Today, we turn our hearts and minds to the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs, specifically Proverbs 6:16-17, where we are reminded of God's expectation for honesty and truthfulness.

The verses read as follows:

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood..."

As we read these words, we are reminded of the gravity of dishonesty in God's eyes. It is not merely a social faux pas or a minor personality flaw; it is, in fact, something that our Lord finds detestable. This is a sobering thought, but it is also an invitation to self-examination and transformation.

Honesty as God's Expectation

We are gathered here today, my friends, to delve into the heart of God's word. To understand His expectations of us, His beloved children. We've read the verses, we've heard the words, but let's take a moment to really understand what God is saying to us.

The book of Proverbs: As we know, it’s a treasure trove of wisdom. It's a guidebook for life, filled with practical advice for everyday living. But it's not just about how to live a good life. It's about how to live a life that pleases God. And one of the things that God makes clear in these verses is His expectation for honesty.

Honesty: This is a word we hear a lot. We tell our kids to be honest. We expect honesty from our leaders. We value honesty in our relationships. But what does it mean to be honest in the eyes of God?

Speaking the truth: Proverbs 6:17 talks about a lying tongue being something that God detests. A lying tongue. That's pretty strong language. God doesn't just dislike lying, He detests it. He hates it. Why? Because God is truth. He is the embodiment of truth. And when we lie, we are going against His very nature. We are choosing to align ourselves with the father of lies, the devil, instead of aligning ourselves with our Heavenly Father, who is truth.

More than not telling lies: It's about being true in all we say. It's about speaking words that are true, that are honest, that are sincere. It's about speaking words that build up, not tear down. Words that heal, not hurt. Words that bring life, not death. That's what it means to speak the truth in love, as the apostle Paul encourages us to do in Ephesians 4:15.

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Living a life of integrity: Proverbs 10:9 tells us that "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." Integrity is about being the same person in private that we are in public. It's about living a life that is consistent, that is true, that is authentic. It's about being a person of our word, a person who can be trusted, a person who does what is right even when no one is watching.

Not easy: It requires courage. It requires strength. It requires a willingness to stand up for what is right, even when it's unpopular. But it's what God expects of us. It's what He calls us to. And when we choose to walk in integrity, we can walk securely, knowing that we are living in alignment with God's will.

Being transparent: Transparency is about being open, being vulnerable, being real. It's about letting others see us as we really are, warts and all. It's about admitting our mistakes, acknowledging our weaknesses, owning up to our failures.

What is it?: Transparency is not about airing our dirty laundry for everyone to see. It's about being honest with ourselves, with others, and with God. It's about being willing to say, "I messed up. I need help. I can't do this on my own." It's about being willing to let others see our struggles, our doubts, our fears. Because when we are transparent, when we are real, we give others permission to be real too. And that's when true community, true fellowship, true healing can happen.

Being truthful with Him: Psalm 51:6 says, "Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place." God desires truth in our inner parts. He wants us to be honest with Him. He wants us to come to Him with our doubts, our fears, our questions. He wants us to pour out our hearts to Him, to tell Him what's really going on inside us.

How do we do this?: Being truthful with God is not about telling Him what we think He wants to hear. It's about telling Him what's really in our hearts. It's about being real with Him. It's about being honest with Him. Because when we are honest with God, when we are truthful with Him, we open ourselves up to His healing, His comfort, His guidance, His wisdom.

Hindrances to Truthfulness

Our passage underscores the gravity of dishonesty in God's eyes ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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