
Summary: Did you know that on every form of currency that we have in the USA we have the words “In God We Trust” imprinted on it. Within our nations Pledge of Allegiance we sing the words, “One Nation UNDER GOD.” Many years ago I believe that was true, but, today

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One Nation Under God; Psalm 33:12

Did you know that on every form of currency that we have in the USA we have the words “In God We Trust” imprinted on it. Within our nations Pledge of Allegiance we sing the words, “One Nation UNDER GOD.” Many years ago I believe that was true, but, today we need to ask the question, “As a Nation do we trust in God, are we a nation under God?” To answer that we need to look at our past, present, and future...

I. Our Past

If you take a look back into our nations history you will find that we were founded on Godly principles by men that believed in divine authority. Unfortunately history is being rewritten today & we’re being told that the founding fathers of our country were deists or secular humanists. A deist is someone who believes in God, but he believes that God has removed Himself from us.

Bette Middler sings a song that illustrates this philosophy well called, “From a Distance.” It says, “From a distance, you look like my friend - Even though we are at war - From a distance, I can’t comprehend - What all this war is for - From a distance, there is harmony - And it echoes through the land – It’s the hope of hopes, it’s the love of loves, - It’s the heart of every man - God is watching us, from a distance.” (Not from a distance, He lives within the heart of every believer).

Many of our founding fathers were Christians, but some would have us believe that most were deists. We’re being told that our country was founded as a spiritually neutral land, where all religions would be accepted, & one religion would not be regarded as any better than another.

We’re being told that the founding fathers advocated strict adherence to separation of church & state, that the church should have nothing to do with government, & government should have nothing to do with the church.

But none of those things are true; our country has a rich spiritual heritage. Separation of church & state not in constitution… Our founding fathers believed very strongly in God’s presence. When our earliest universities began, most of them were founded to train Christian preachers.

* When Harvard was established in 1636, their statement of purpose said, “Every student’s main aim is to know Jesus Christ, & to recognize that Christ is the foundation of all learning.”

* When Yale came into existence in 1701, they said that “God is the source of all wisdom,” & they required all their students to attend daily public prayer services both morning & evening.

* When Princeton came into existence in 1746, Princeton proclaimed, “Cursed is all learning contrary to the cause of Christ.” (If only they had those same principles today…)

Our founding fathers were convinced that the Psalmist was right when he wrote in Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”

* Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians. Not on religion but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

* William Penn, said, “If we aren’t governed by God we will be ruled by tyrants.”

* John Jay, first justice of the Supreme Court, said, “It is the duty as well as the privilege & the interest of a Christian nation to select & prefer Christians for their rulers.”

* James Madison the chief architect of the constitution said, “Religion is the basis and foundation of our government”

Benjamin Franklin (I was taught at ATU that he was a deist) Watch Magazine…. What about separation of Church and State??? What about our schools??? Schools in our country used one primary textbook, & that was the Bible.

In fact, history tells us that the Delaware Indians came to George Washington & requested that their children be permitted to study in his schools because they wanted their children to learn morality & integrity. Even though they didn’t understand the Bible’s message about Jesus, they wanted their children to learn the principles taught in the Bible.

Thomas Jefferson, when he was president of our land, also served as head of the school board in Washington, D.C. Jefferson, not a Christian himself, insisted that two books be used - the Bible & the Watts Hymnal. The New England Primer, used until 1900…

Don’t let anybody ever tell you that our country was started by a bunch of deists or secular humanist. Or that they were spiritually neutral & one religion is just as valuable as another. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that our Constitution says, “Separation of church & state.” Or even expresses that idea - It doesn’t! This nation was founded by Christians and it was intended to be a Christian nation.

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