One Day, O Glorious Day
Contributed by John Newbaker on Mar 8, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: A lot can happen in a day.
One day, O Glorious Day
Rev. 19
I want to speak to you about a day. A glorious day that is coming. What you will see in this is how God has the future all planned out, how he is in complete control and how we are safe in his arms.
A lot can happen in a day.
In a day, a hurricane can hit an area and destroy lives and homes and business.
In one day*
*Job lost all 10 children, his living, his health.
*a baby can be born and bring joy to an entire family.
*a person can pass and bring sadness and grief to family and friends.
I want to speak to you about a day, a day in the future, a day that is coming – a glorious day that the Lord wants us to know about-- that will comfort our hearts and strengthen our faith.
First of all, one day ---Jesus will Judge
The first time Jesus came, he came as a babe, born of a virgin, wrapped in swaddling clothes, he grew to be a man and they nailed him to a cross. He died a humiliating, horrible, shameful death.
The next time he comes he will come as King of kings and Lord of lords to judge and make war.
In John 5 Jesus says, “…the Father judges no one, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: And hath given him authority to execute judgment …”
In Rev. 19:11-16 we see when One day, O Glorious Day this will come to pass.
John says he saw something that will one day take place. He says he saw Jesus coming out of heaven riding a white horse. He said he is coming to judge and to make war.
He is coming to war against Satan and to judge sin. One day O Glorious Day -- Jesus will judge.
2. One day-- Satan will be sealed.
Right now Satan, --the devil, the deceiver and destroyer of lives and nations—is roaming the earth like a roaring lion
seeking whom he can destroy. But, --- one glorious day he will be sealed away to deceive and to destroy no more.
We see this in Rev. 20:1-3. John here tells us here how, one day Satan will be sealed away for 1,000 years that he should deceive the nations no more,, but look at the end of verse 3, he shall be let loose again.
Oh, --but we’re not finished reading. -- Look at v10. – one day, O glorious day, he will be sealed away again – this time -- in the lake of fire and brimstone … and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
This day, O glorious day, will be the last time this slimy, slippery, seductive, destructive serpent will rear his ugly head to deceive and to destroy anymore. Satan will be sealed.
3. One day--Sinners will be silenced.
Sinners since the beginning of time and increasingly more in these last days have cursed, blasphemed, and spoken all kinds of evil against God, God’s people and against all that is good and holy.
But there’s coming a day, I want to let you know, O glorious day in which sinners will be silenced forever.
We read about this day in Rev. 20:11-15, 21:8
This Great White Throne Judgement spoken of here is when all of unsaved throughout history will stand before God and be judged.
What will be their judgement? V15 One day O glorious day,, sinners will be silenced forever.
4. One day—the Saints will Shout.
Right now, in many countries around the world the saints are being persecuted, hated, scorned, and martyred, God’s heart is grieved, but one day O glorious day all the saints will shout.
Rev. 19 speaks of the marriage supper of Christ, and his bride the church. It says it will be a glorious day of feasting and rejoicing.
This day, comes after Jesus has judged, Satan has been sealed, and sinners have been silenced.
What will happen on this day? All the saints will be shouting.
What are we shouting? Rev 19:1-7 We are shouting amen, hallelujah Salvation, glory, honor, and power, unto the Lord our God. One day—the Saints will Shout.
5. One day—Righteousness will Reign.
One day, when the enemies of all that is good and holy are sealed and silenced ---righteousness will reign.
Rev. 16:5 says, “Thou art righteous, O Lord,” Rev. 19:2 says “true and righteous are your judgements.”
One day, O glorious day, when He who is righteous rules righteousness will rule. There will be no more law breakers, no more war, no more riots, no more murders and crime.
Isaiah tells us about this glorious day when he says, “And …they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” 2:4 One day—O glorious day, Righteousness will Reign.