
On The Verge Of A Miracle

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Don't give up when you're on the brink of your miracle. One more step could land you in the midst of your promised blessing.


You are about to enter the greatest season of your life. God is about to move in your family, business, church, finances, and in your own personal life in a greater way than you have ever experienced before. You probably already know that something big and powerful is about to happen, even though you may not know exactly when. But I am here to tell you that you are closer to your breakthrough than you think! In fact, it may be just days or even hours away.

Hold onto the Promise

You may not fully understand everything that is happening in your life right now, but you still believe that a change is coming. Despite the trials and challenges you are facing, you still hold onto the belief that your promise is about to come to pass, that your dream is about to become a reality.

Even though it may seem like nothing is changing and everything looks the same, deep down, you know that a change is coming because you have a Promise. And let me tell you, a promise is all you need! Just look at the examples of Abraham, Moses, Joseph, and even Jesus. They all had nothing but a promise, and yet they saw incredible miracles and breakthroughs in their lives.

So, hold onto that promise. Even when things don't make sense and everything seems to be going against you, remember that God is not a man who lies or changes His mind. If He said it, He will do it. If He spoke it, He will make it happen.

Closer Than You Think

I know it's not easy. You may be going through the greatest trial of your life right now, but don't give up. Don't quit on the edge of your miracle. One more step can put you right in the middle of your promised blessing.

You may not have any evidence of a change happening yet, but have confidence that God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Even when everything looks bleak, remember that He is a faithful God who keeps His promises.

I understand that it may be hard to comprehend what is going on in your life right now. Your mind may be telling you one thing while your spirit is telling you another. But trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. Your spirit knows things about your future that your mind cannot comprehend.

While your body may still be in your present circumstances, your spirit has already stepped into your future. Your mind may be confused, but that's because it's trying to make sense of something it cannot fully grasp. Trust in the Lord and know that He has great plans for you.

Stay Strong and Keep Believing

I know it's not easy to stay strong and keep believing when everything around you seems to be falling apart. But remember that a change is coming. You are closer than you think. Don't let the enemy discourage you or make you doubt. Stand firm in your faith and keep praising God.

Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your future. Remove those who are jealous or negative from your life. You need people who will celebrate your victories and speak life into your dreams. Together, you can overcome any obstacle and walk into the blessings God has in store for you.

Yes, there may be an increase of demonic activity and trials in your life right now, but take it as a sign that Satan has discovered your purpose and you are on the verge of stepping into the greatest season of your life. Don't be discouraged by the battles you face. Remember that there is always a blessing on the other side of a battle.

You may not be where you want to be yet, but you are making progress. Don't focus on your current circumstances, but look ahead to where you are going. You are not a finished product, but God will complete the good work He has started in you.

Don't give up now. You are standing on the edge of your breakthrough. Your best days are ahead of you. God is faithful to fulfill every word spoken over you. Your dreams are about to come to pass. Believe that a change is coming, and keep praising God with all your heart. You are closer than you think!


In conclusion, remember that you are on the verge of a breakthrough. God is about to move in your life in ways you cannot even imagine. Hold onto the promise, trust in the Lord, and stay strong in your faith. Your breakthrough is closer than you think!

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