
Summary: There is a small inscription etched in that side mirror and I want to use that little line as the topic of this sermon this morning, It reads, objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

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As I was driving down the road one day, I began to think if life can be compared to driving. I thought on that comparison on this subject and a phrase came to me and it goes something like this.

If life is like a highway, then the soul must be the car. Yea, life can be just like a highway, you are gong along and then you have a flat tire, and it interrupts your trip. Maybe you are getting off to rest or even get your fuel tank filled back up.

I know I have had times I needed to get off the life’s highway and take a rest, I also know I have had to get off life’s highway to get myself fuel back up because I was running on empty.

So, if life is like a highway, then the car is your soul.

I was still driving down the road mulling this over in my head when I glanced over to my right side mirror to see if I could change lanes and everyone has seen this but really hasn’t taken much notice to it. There is a small inscription etched in that side mirror and I want to use that little line as the topic of this sermon this morning,

It reads, objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

Everyone one of us has looked back over the years in which we have lived. We have often wondered what if this would have happened or what if I would have done this or that, just how much that could have changed my life. How that change may have affected the car running on that highway of life.

Now, I am glad some of those choices I stayed away from and kept on traveling down that highway, I did not need to take another road or even pull off to get something else.

But let us look at what the Bible says about looking back, because those objects in that mirror may be closer than they appear.

Let us see when Lot and his family were leaving the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis. When they were leaving Lot’s wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt.

Luke 9:62

62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

(Here is the book of Luke the person that Jesus was telling this too is not mentioned but if you read in the Book of Matthew , he notes this was a scribe)

So we read that it seems for us to look back and find that what is behind us is catching up on us.

I remember an old black baseball player named Satchel Page people were always questioning him on his age, in fact he really did not know his true age because they never found any birth records of him. They knew he was getting on up there in years but still he could throw that baseball like a young man in his twenties.

He had this saying; “I do not look back, because something might be catching up with me”

I am not telling you here this morning that looking back is always bad and certainly not worthy of not being fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.

What I believe Jesus was telling this Scribe to follow me you must leave those other things behind that will interfere or even delay you in accepting Jesus or even make you to not accept him. You cannot look back on the things you have left but look forward to the thing I will give you.

If you read in verses 57-61 that will clear it up for you as to why Jesus told him that looking back isn’t a very good idea.

We need to look forward, going forward with God, to work for God, serving God, pleasing God, we cannot rest on the past to get us into the future.

There are three (3) things I want to point out here today on “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear”


A) Living fast can HURRY YOU, - Life is so fast that you seem to be in a hurry to just fill up on what you need for today, much less about tomorrow. We seem to try to fill ever spare second in a day, but you are filling them up with the wrong fuel.

It is the low octane gas you are putting in your tank. You need that High Octane gas to enrich you, make you run smoother, give you better gas mileage as you go down life’s highway. Sometimes we just want tomorrow to hurry up and get here, just allow God to guide you into the tomorrows.

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