
Obey Regardless of the Consequences

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 6, 2023
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Jesus came so that we could have a really good life. But to have that good life, we have to listen to Jesus and do what he says. When we obey Jesus no matter what happens, we will face hard times and suffering, but we will also experience God’s presence and provision.

Obey Regardless of the Consequences

Youth Group Plan: Obey Regardless of the Consequences (Matthew 16:21-28)

Youth Sermon: Obey Regardless of the Consequences

Jesus faced suffering head-on

Jesus told his friends that he was going to suffer, be killed, and then rise again. They didn't get it because they thought the Messiah was supposed to be invincible. But Jesus was showing them that suffering and death were part of God’s plan.

Imagine if you had a piece of coal. It's black, dirty, and not very pretty. But when it's put under extreme pressure and heat, it turns into a diamond. That's what Jesus was trying to tell his disciples. Sometimes, we have to go through tough times to become the beautiful, strong people God wants us to be.

Sometimes, we have to go through tough times to become the beautiful, strong people God wants us to be.

Deny myself, pick up my cross, and follow Jesus

Jesus tells his disciples that if they want to follow him, they have to say no to their selfish desires, pick up their cross, and follow him.

Picking up your cross might mean doing what Jesus tells you to do, even if it's hard. It might mean standing up for someone who's being bullied, or choosing not to cheat on a test, even if everyone else is doing it.

If you lose your life, you will find it

Jesus says that if we try to save our own lives, we will lose them. But if we lose our lives for him, we will find true life.

When we deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus, we will experience a life that's full of joy, purpose, and love.


So, would you rather live a comfy life and be forgotten, or face tough times and be remembered for making a difference?

When we follow Jesus, we will face tough times, but we will also experience God’s presence and help. We will experience the life Jesus wants for us.

You were made for more than comfort. Let’s be a group of teens that follows Jesus no matter what happens. Let’s have stories of how God shows up and changes everything.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What does it mean to you to deny yourself and pick up your cross?

2. Can you share a time when you had to deny yourself to obey Jesus?

3. How can we support each other in denying ourselves and picking up our cross?

4. What does it mean to lose your life for Jesus and find it?

5. How can we apply Jesus' teachings in our daily lives?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: "Would You Rather?" Ice-Breaker

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