
Nurturing Your Heart for Spiritual Growth

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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Man's behavior stems from the heart


Today, we will discuss the importance of guarding our hearts and how our conduct stems from the condition of our hearts. In Proverbs, it is written, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" (Proverbs 4:23, NIV). Let us delve into this verse and explore its meaning.

I. Guarding Your Heart

To guard something means to protect, preserve, and fulfill its purpose. We guard our possessions, our relationships, and even our pets. However, above all else, we are instructed to guard our hearts. But what does it mean to guard our hearts?

A. Three Ways to Guard:

1. Care: We must take care of our hearts by nurturing them with love, fidelity, and all that is essential for a healthy life. Just as we protect our marriages by showing love and faithfulness, we must also protect our hearts from sin by seeking God's guidance.

2. Strength: Sometimes, guarding requires strength and effort. We resist temptations and fight against anything that may harm our hearts. Just as we would resist a thief trying to steal from us, we must resist the temptations that threaten to corrupt our hearts.

3. Seeking Help: At times, we need assistance in guarding our hearts. We must seek God's help to protect the most important part of ourselves from sin. Our own efforts may not be enough, so we rely on the Almighty to guide us and keep our hearts pure.

B. The Heart:

1. Physical Heart: The heart is a vital organ that pumps blood throughout our bodies. It is protected by the ribcage, ensuring its safety.

2. Spiritual Heart: In a spiritual sense, the heart represents the core of our being. It encompasses our attitudes, motives, convictions, and emotions. It is the true essence of who we are and influences our actions.

C. The Heart as the Source of Life:

For Christians, the heart is the center of our spiritual connection with God. It is where we decide whether to walk with Him or not. Satan often attacks our hearts, attempting to divert us from a sincere and devoted relationship with God.

II. The Heart's Influence

A. The Heart's Impact: The Bible teaches us that everything that defiles a person comes from the heart (Matthew 15:19, NIV). Our hearts can become corrupted by sin, making us impure and unfit for communion with God. Therefore, we must be vigilant in guarding our hearts.

B. Outward Manifestation: What is in our hearts will eventually manifest in our actions and attitudes. Our hidden thoughts and intentions will become evident to others. Therefore, we must strive to ensure that only good things flow from our hearts.

C. The Power of the Heart: Our hearts possess the power to connect us with God in praise and intimacy. It is through a pure heart that we maintain a close relationship with Him.

III. Cultivating a Good and Upright Heart

A. Sowing Goodness: Just as a seed produces fruit according to its nature, our hearts will produce good or bad outcomes based on what we sow within them. If we fill our hearts with negativity, impurity, and sinful thoughts, our actions will reflect this. Conversely, if we fill our hearts with the Word of God, His Spirit will produce good fruit in us (Galatians 5:22, NIV).

B. Filling Your Heart:

1. Immerse in God's Word: Regularly read, study, meditate on, and memorize Scripture. Let the Word of God dwell richly in your heart.

2. Pursue Purity: Strive for purity by believing in and claiming God's purity for yourself. This will motivate you to maintain a close relationship with Him, allowing His Spirit to transform your heart.

3. Unity of Heart: Guard your heart solely for God. Avoid division and distractions that may lead you astray. Keep your heart focused on Him.


Our hearts are the source of all our actions and attitudes. Let us ensure that our hearts produce holy and righteous conduct according to God's standards. May others see us as individuals who walk in obedience to God, just as David did, with a heart aligned with God's own heart. Do not allow your heart to become a dumping ground for impurity. Remember, it is the true essence of who you are and reflects your character to the world.

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