A sermon for Children's Day, urging Parents and Guardians to remain dedicated and focused on the task of child upbringing. The challenge is for parents to do everything possible to raise their children in a way that is pleasing to God.
Welcome, everyone! Today, I want to encourage parents and guardians to stay committed and focused on the task of raising children. Parenting is hard work, and you need all the support and encouragement you can get. The church is here to stand beside you and support you in this important role. Whether you are a young parent, a single parent, a step-parent, a grandparent, or an adoptive parent, God loves you and your children. He wants what's best for you and has a plan for your children. Let's dive into Psalm 127 and discover some principles that will help us raise children who thrive.
It is crucial for parents to make God the center of their family. Everything in the home should revolve around a relationship with God. This means operating according to God's plan and principles. When we build our homes on a foundation of faith, we create an environment where God is revered and glorified. A home where children thrive is saturated with prayer, protected by God, and provided for by His grace.
Our children are gifts from God, entrusted to us for a season. They belong to both us and God. It is essential for children to know that they are loved unconditionally by their parents and by God. Love is the foundation of a happy home. It goes beyond hugs, gifts, and celebrations. Love also includes correcting our children when they go astray, teaching them right from wrong, and instilling values that will guide them throughout their lives.
God holds parents responsible for the future well-being and success of their children. We are called to launch our children into the world responsibly. This means preparing them for independence, teaching them life skills, and guiding them towards making wise choices. As parents, we have the opportunity to leave a godly legacy in our children. By equipping them with the tools they need to succeed spiritually and otherwise, we empower them to make a positive impact on the world.
In conclusion, let's remember that a home where children thrive is one where God is at the center, children know they are loved, and parents take their responsibility seriously. As parents, we must launch our children responsibly, leave them with a godly legacy, and lead them to Jesus Christ. Let us pray for all children and their parents, and let us extend an invitation to those who have not yet accepted God into their lives.
If you have not yet accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to do so today. Jesus loves you just as you are, and He wants to have a personal relationship with you. If you sincerely ask Him into your heart and commit to following Him, you can become a friend of God. Don't delay; choose God today.
Let us pray for all the children and their parents, asking God to guide and bless them in their journey of raising children who thrive.
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