
Now Is The Time

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 16, 2023
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To urge believers to live in obedience to God's Word, recognizing the urgency of the present time, and to strive for righteousness by setting aside sinful desires and clothing themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.


Good morning, family! We're going to dive deep into Romans 13:11-14 today, exploring the themes of living in obedience to God's Word, the urgency of now, and the blessing of righteousness. As Charles Spurgeon once said, "Obedience is the grand test of love." So, let's test our love for God today by reflecting on how obedient we've been to His Word.

Living in Obedience to God's Word

Living in obedience to God's Word is a divine command that requires our utmost attention and commitment. The Apostle Paul, in Romans 13:11-14, underscores the importance of this obedience, urging believers to wake up from their spiritual slumber and live according to God's Word.

Obedience to God's Word is more than just following a set of rules; it's a lifestyle that reflects our love and reverence for God. It's about aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with the teachings of the Bible. When we obey God's Word, we are essentially saying, "God, I trust you. I believe that your ways are higher than mine, and I choose to submit to your authority." This kind of obedience is a powerful testimony of our faith in God.

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Moreover, obedience to God's Word is a protective shield against the temptations of the world. In Romans 13:12, Paul encourages us to "put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light." This armor of light is the Word of God, which illuminates our path and equips us to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. When we live in obedience to God's Word, we are less likely to fall prey to the allure of sin and more likely to live a life that pleases God.

Furthermore, obedience to God's Word is an act of worship. It's a tangible way of expressing our gratitude to God for His grace and mercy. Every time we choose to obey God's Word, we are essentially saying, "Thank you, God, for saving me. I want to honor you with my life." This kind of obedience brings glory to God and draws us closer to Him.

However, living in obedience to God's Word is not always easy. It requires discipline, sacrifice, and a willingness to swim against the cultural tide. It may mean saying 'no' to certain pleasures or pursuits that are contrary to God's Word. It may mean standing up for truth even when it's unpopular. But the rewards of obedience far outweigh the challenges. As we obey God's Word, we experience His peace, joy, and fulfillment. We grow in our relationship with Him and become more like Jesus.

The Urgency of Now

When Paul writes, "The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed," he is emphasizing the immediacy of our need to live in obedience to God's Word ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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