

A. This decisive pronouncement by our Lord came as God's answer to the disciples’ question:

1. Said they, "Who then can be saved?" - Luke 18:26

2. The question of the disciples came when they had listened to the conversation between the rich young ruler and the Lord - Matt 19:16-22

B. Our Lord's interview with the young man revealed:

1. That the young man was deeply interested in eternal life and what it would take to have everlasting life

2. Our Lord pointed to the keeping of the commandments - quoting those on the second table - Luke 17:20

3. The young man affirmed that he kept those commandments from his youth up

4. Ant to answer the youth's final question "What lack I yet", Jesus laid down the law that governs man's fellowship with Him

5. The young man was unwilling to pay such a price and left the Lord sorrowfully


A. "These things are impossible with men" what are they?:

1. Man, born in sin, cannot change his sinful nature - "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good that are accustomed to doing evil" Jer 13:23

2. Cried Paul, "O wretched man that I am; who shall deliver me from the body of this death" - Rom 7:24

3. Said Jesus, "For without Me ye can do nothing" - John 15:5

B. This seems to be a hard lesson for some to learn:

1. Ancient Israel refused to learn it - Rom 10:1-3; Ex 19:8; 24:3

2. Modern Israel seems to have the same difficulty - Rev 3:14-17

3. Human righteousness is excluded


A. Here is the key to man's hope:

1. God is the answer to the sin problem - Matt 1:21; 2 Cor 5:21

2. God is the answer to the change of our sinful nature - 2 Pet 1:2-8

3. God is the answer to our peace problem - Eph 2:11-14; Rom 5:1; Col 1:20

4. God is the answer to our doing the will of God - Phil 2:12-13; 4:13

5. God is the answer to us having everlasting life - John 14:6; 5:40

B. The key to doing the perfect will of God and inheriting eternal life:

1. Is found in our intimate or close relation with Jesus Christ our Lord - John 15:1-15

2. It is found in our simple and childlike faith in the merits of the atonement made for us on the cross of Calvary

3. Examples: penitent thief - Luke 23:42. That is what Paul finally trusted in - Gal 6:14; I Cor 2:2

C. Dear reader, the knowledge that God is the answer to our every need:

1. Should bring new hope to our heart

2. Should dispel all fear out of our lives

3. Should make us bold to move forward in the Might of our God 4. Can we do less than David did? - 1 Sam. 17:45;

5. Can we do less than the apostles?

D. In view of the divine power at our disposal, why is it:

1. That many of us are plagued with feebleness - Heb 12:12; Is 35:3

2. That we have so little to show that God is the power in our lives?

3. Is it because we have so little faith in God and His willingness to help us?

4. Here is food for serious thinking on our part

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