
Summary: Not Me!

Not Me!

January 21, 2009 Wednesday Service

Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK

Rick Boyne

Focus Passage: Mark 14: 27-31, 66-72



a. When the heart of a person is bent to sinning, the heart becomes insensitive to the reminders that are going on around them.

b. Ours come through a sermon, a Scripture texts, reading, a word from a friend or from a host of other things to take heed lest we fall.


a. The first was dishonoring words. Remember before hand Peters said you are the Christ the son of the living God. Oftentimes Peter referred to Jesus as master. He had called him Lord. But in his denials of Jesus he simply refers to Jesus as the man or this man of whom you speak. Just a man.

b. The second was deserting words. The very time when Jesus needed a friend, Peter was off denying he ever knew him. There were already enough false acquisitions flying around without Peter adding to the situation.

c. This third was defiling words. “Then begin he to curse and to swear saying, I know not the man.” We need to understand the nature of this defiled speech. Curse and swear does not mean that Peter used a string of vulgarities to emphasize his point. The word means to call down a curse upon himself if that what he says is not true. Nevertheless it was foul talk.

i. People are always in trouble when they result to foul talk to enforce


a. What brought Peter under conviction and to tears? Luke tells us that it was not only the Cock crowing that woke Peter up. It was also the Lord looking at Peter. Luke says that after the Cock crowed, Jesus turned and looked at Peter. Peter then went out and wept bitterly.

Invitation: While Peters denials are terrible, he became extremely convicted about his sin when confronted about them. His conviction brought him to tears. Was he sorry? We will find from this time on Peter was a different man.

That’s what conviction is about. It ought to lead us to repentance and a different person because of the look from Jesus.

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