
Summary: The sermon is about cruifying the old life or self in order to live a life pleasing unto God.

Not I but Christ

Study text: Gal 2: 20-21

The old man or self needs to be crucified in order to live a life acceptable unto God. This is because it is sure to produce sin, disobedience and misunderstanding. The problem of our self is the issue we must resolve in order for each one of us to progress in the purpose of God for our lives.

1) The Description of the self life: Rom 8: 7-8

- the self life is stubborn, arrogant and defiant to every correction. It will not obey God’s word.

- The only way out is not to bend him down, but to uproot the self-life and crush it in death. Nothing can be done to improve on him.

- Any little trace of the old man you permit in your life now surely will outgrow and choke up whatever spiritual life you think you are nurturing.

- As Cain slew Abel, as Esau sought to kill Jacob, as Ishmael persecuted Isaac; as Joseph’s senior brothers bound him up in a dry pit: so does the self-life to every thing spiritual.

- Notice carefully that in all these examples of scripture they are always the senior. The old man came first. You are more accustomed to his way and lifestyle than the new way.

- Self cannot crucify self. All we need do is give up self to the cross of Christ.

- We concluded that by the Death of Christ on the Cross, our old man also has been crucified with Him.

2) The Destruction of the self- life. Gal2:20-21

A. I am crucified with Christ.

- the first step into a victorious new life and a clear manifestation of the resurrection life within is the revelation of knowledge. Rom 6:6 Col 3:3

- We should declare to the world system boldly “I am crucified with Christ”. I have no hand again to cover up self, no feet to run errands for self.

B. Nevertheless I live, yet Not “I”

- There are two ‘I’ in the phrase. The first one means the new life while the other means the old life.

- For the new life to manifest in your life, for the fullness of God’s purpose to now come through in your life, you must be ready to place a “NEVERTHELESS” on your daily encounter and activities.

C. But Christ liveth in me. Col 3:4, I cor 3:16, I Cor 6:19-20, I John 4:4

- the life in your body now is the exact life of Christ.

- It is the same quality, has the same power, holiness and all attributes of God.

3) The Direction of our New life.

- What is God looking for in us now that it is no longer the “I” but Christ who lives in us?

- We need to depend on God to open our eyes to see what our duty most now be face to face.

A. Henceforth, we must live only for Him 2 Cor5:15, Rom 14:7-9, Rom 12:1-2

- You have no personal reason anymore to live here on earth, except for Jesus to live in you.

- You ought to cease to live for the old self and his pursuits except you want to cheat Jesus who delivered you from the tyranny of the old man and the devil.

B. he must be magnified in us at any cost Phil 1:20-21

- What is the actual worth of living? To Paul it was Christ.

- To you what is life? Is it cars? Is it houses? Is it furniture? Is it marriage? Is it your wife or husband? Is it money? Is it your career? Is it even your ministry as a preacher or minister?

C. Frustrate not the grace of God. Gal 2:21, 2Cor 6:1-2

- Much has been poured out on your life. Let it not be wasted.

- Do not waste His death on the cross for you.

- Receive not the grace of God in you in vain. Keep in step with the Master! He is coming soon.

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Julius Yamo

commented on Jan 26, 2025

"Self is to be hidden in Christ, and Christ is to appear as the chiefest among ten thousand and the One altogether lovely."

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