
Summary: A powerful affirmation that the Word of God is the only surety of our victory.That without it we and the world are doomed.

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (good news) of Christ, for it is God’s power working unto salvation [for deliverance from eternal death] to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” Romans 1:16

Many people want to see God’s power but many people are ashamed of God’s Word. Many people feel inferior if they be known to be serious for Christ Jesus. Many people are comfortable in saying they go to church. Few are comfortable in saying they are Christians. No wonder why the present day church and church goers are failures, serious sinners whose lives are unchanged .They are ashamed of the Word of God. They are ashamed of the power of God. I am not ashamed of the Word of God; it is the power of God. Don’t you be ashamed of this living Word!

My friend you cant achieve any meaningful, lasting and fulfilling success without the Word of God. Everything I mean everything came because of the Word of God. Money is made from paper, paper from trees, trees from the soil, soils from the ‘Let there be …’ Word of God. So whatever you want if you can break it down, defragment it, study its real source it comes back to the Word of God. Why then should you be ashamed of this power, why then should you be ashamed of the source of all things. I am not ashamed of the Word of God; it is power to those who believe.

Believing indicts faith. Many say I don’t have faith. How can you have faith if you are ashamed of the Word of God? The bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Now you are ashamed of the power that brings your faith. I refuse, I reject to be ashamed. Don’t be ashamed of the Word, Don’t be ashamed of the power of Godden you be ashamed my friend. No matter what they call you, no matter what you face, no matter what situations you went through don’t be ashamed of the Word of God. Continue trusting it, rely on it firmly one day you shall witness the power of God.

There is no ammunition that equals the power of the Word of God. I haven’t seen anything that can do as much as the Word of God. In six days the world which was once empty, void and darkness was now filled completely with light, animals, sky, trees, seas, fish, stars, sand anything my friend you can mention. What process was involved, who can explain the chemical or physical process that took place? No one my friend but the Word of God. It was the Word which just went in power and boom the trees came forth, boom the birds started flying, boom the seas start making tides, boom the horses running around etc. The power of the Word of God. I am not ashamed of this Word my friend. Don’t be ashamed of it too.

The bible says this power is for those who personally trust and surrender with firm reliance on it, those who through thick and thin still confess that it’s possible. When others are saying why you didn’t try this witchdoctor for healing you say the Word of God says by His stripes I am healed. When others are busy dancing and boogying in sin you say the Word says be you righteous as your God is righteous, When others are forsaking faith to fear, marriage to divorce, love to favoritism just hold on to the Word of God. It doesn’t matter what you are wishing and praying for and not coming just hold on to the Word of God. You want to married but you still single hold on to the Word .Don’t be ashamed of the Word of God.

Trust it, what it says is true, it will come to pass, believe it, study it, confess it and see the power of God.

Prayer: Father God I thank you for your Word which is the power for my salvation .I pray for boldness and courage to confess your word without fear, doubt or lack of seriousness. Allow me to see the power of God in your word daily in life in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

God bless you!

Written by Raphiel Manenge 19/08/05;

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