None But Jesus
Contributed by J. Yeargin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There are many things about being a Christian that have been misunderstood, misquoted, and have misled people. Perhaps one of the greatest misunderstandings is the subject of faith.
There are many things about being a Christian that have been misunderstood, misquoted, and have misled people. Perhaps one of the greatest misunderstandings is the subject of faith.
Many see faith as a mystery, but this is due to the darkness of this world. Our eyes can become dim and we may not see the Light of the Gospel of Christ.
Text: John 3:18 – 21
Question: - How can we better understand our faith in God?
Answer: If we are to understand faith, Christ will be our only answer.
I. Jesus is - The Reason for Faith
A. A sinner cannot clearly see what he/she should be looking for.
1. Misunderstanding – (Seeking God as the Father should not be the first step for a sinner.) Sinners see it this way:
a) God is love
b) God is kind and good
c) God would never allow me to spend an eternity in a devil’s hell
d) “After all, I would believe in Jesus and go to church if I was sure that I was going to heaven.”
e) “Also, what about the other religions that claim to know who God is?”
2. Misunderstanding – (Seeking the Holy Spirit should not be the first step for a sinner.) Sinners see it this way:
a) “I want to feel spiritual first… Convince me with a sign or a miracle first. Then I will consider becoming a Christian.” (This is why many people look for a “feel good” kind of church to attend.)
b) “Feelings” alone will not make your faith become strong.
c) “Feelings” will never be more important than having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
d) Seeking your own spiritual life with the Holy Spirit can only take place after you are saved from your sins.
Transition: These two misunderstandings will cloud our thinking and interfere with us surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ. So – here is what we need:
3. The Correct Understanding - is to seek Jesus and make Him your first priority over everything and everyone else.
a) The Trinity of God depends on the salvation of the sinner (through Christ) to take place first.
B. A sinner must clearly see Jesus for Who He is.
1. Jesus was the “Infinite One” Who became the infant in Bethelem.
2. Jesus was the “Eternal One” Who became a mortal man.
3. Jesus was the “King of Kings” Who became a servant to mankind.
4. Jesus lived a perfect and righteous life here on Earth.
a) He kept the Laws and the Commandments of God holy and pure.
b) He obeyed His Father
c) He preserved His position as the Son of God, Second Person in the Trinity
C. Without Christ, we must see what a sinner is.
1. (Without Christ) You and I would be unable to live a perfect or righteous life.
2. As a sinner:
a) We would not be able to keep the Laws or the Commandments of God
b) We are not able to do anything on our own to save ourselves.
c) We did not have any faith to offer Christ.
d) There would be nothing good in us.
Transition: God is just and He must punish for every sin. So - How is it that we can we escape the judgment of God for our sins? Jesus took all of our sins with Him to the Cross of Calvary.
Isaiah 53 -
6 All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him;
He has put Him to grief.
D. God had to send to Earth “His only begotten Son” for our sins. There was no one else.
1. It is Jesus alone Who provides for us the pardon from our sins.
a) Jesus was completely responsible for saving us.
b) Jesus paid it all by dieing for our sins.
c) God is merciful to us because of what Jesus did for us.
d) God has pardoned us from all our sins.
e) Jesus is seated at the right hand of Father God where He continues to make intercession for us that we would not ever sin again.
2. Thankfully - Jesus was willing to die for any and all sinners.
Hebrews 7:25 NLT
25Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save everyone who comes to God through him. He lives forever to plead with God on their behalf.
a) To come to Christ as a good or a bad person will not matter to the Savior.
b) The only requirement is that you want salvation.
Illustration: Imagine for a moment going to the doctor when you are getting better. This may seem easy because you know the doctor has the cure. On the other hand if you go to the doctor and you are told that you are terminally ill (about to die), you will have no choice but to listen to the doctor and take the medicine he gives you. You will desperately want that doctor to save your life. Likewise - The same goes for a sinner who knows the wages of their sins is certain death. They know (beyond a shadow of doubt) that only Christ can save them. It isn’t until they understand the sentence for their sins is eternal death that they will ask Christ to save them.