No Way! Up Way!
Contributed by Samson Musyoki on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
LUKE 5:18-19
Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.
A certain sister approached me after a fellowship and asked me to pray for a fellow who was dying of cancer. She confided that the parents to the victim had tried their best for her in vain and that she felt sorry for her. There is nothing like trying your best if you have not yet called your Father. I therefore believed that the Lord would heal her wherever she was. We therefore prayed together for divine intervention upon the sister. And the Lord worked in her life and healed her in a way she couldn’t explain.
I have in several other occasions witnessed the divine power of God healing what the doctors have given up upon. In other words, I came to understand that when a situation is given up, it simply means handed over to the Lord. There is no other person up there except the Lord. When a person gives up on any issue, this calls for divine intervention as all the ways that human understanding takes have failed and the only way available is up which calls for God to take course.
You may be in a situation where men are blocking you from being promoted or advancing in your business- you may be struggling to achieve a certain objective; you have perhaps exhausted all the finances and family resources to bring the situation to health, this calls for divine intervention. There is no other formula that can see you through your demise except the Lord’s. when men close gates for you, kneel down and pray to the Lord, like Peter (Acts 12:5-10) for there is nothing that can dare stop prayers.
From the devotion above, we see men who are tired of a situation. Nursing a paralytic is not a bed of roses. Note that the victim depends on close ones to nurse him since the victim cannot control himself. These men who carried the paralytic, were actually determined at leaving their ‘burden’ at Jesus’s feet. They were tired of changing him of his dirty linen; they were tired of his smelling and odour, they were tired of feeding him, they were tired of his groans…tired, tired, tired. When they therefore heard about Jesus, they made up their mind to leave ‘the problem’ at Jesus’ feet, no matter what came their way.
These men were sharp enough to notice a way amidst an overcrowded hall; the upper way, through the ceiling! They looked up and saw away. I like that! I have been in situations like the one the men faced. I tried all means to have myself treated but it was all in vain. But when I turned and gave my issue up to the Lord, He healed me and showed me the way to my receiving my miracles. Since then, I have learned the secret of looking up…up…up!
Dear friend, when you find obstacles against your way, look up for giving up means looking up to whom you have given your issue and there is no day a problem will pass unsolved before Him. Just go down on your knees for your way up is right down on your knees. Do not believe the scary report of the doctor until you have looked up, for beyond those hills your help will come from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth. Please, don’t bother the Lord if you have other ways. Do not attempt to bother the Lord if your problem can easily be solved down here on earth by human intelligence.