
No One Knows

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Nov 30, 2023
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We don't know when Jesus will come back, so we need to stay alert and ready. We should live confidently and share the gospel with others while we wait for His return.

No One Knows

Youth Group Plan: No One Knows (Mark 13:24-37)

Youth Sermon: No One Knows


What's your favorite mystery movie or book? (Spend a few minutes going around the room and calling on students who have a movie or book and ask them why they like it so much. If you have time, talk about your favorite mystery movie and why you love it.)

Let's talk about a real-life mystery. This one's about when Jesus is coming back. Spoiler alert: No one knows when he'll return! Not even the angels in heaven. That's right, it's in Mark 13:24-37.

No one knows when he'll return! Not even the angels in heaven.

The Mystery of Jesus' Return

Now, imagine you're playing a game of hide and seek. You're the seeker, and your friend is hiding. You don't know when or where they'll pop out, right? That's kind of like us waiting for Jesus. We don't know when He's coming back, but we've got to be ready.

Jesus tells us to stay awake and be alert. It's like being a goalie in a soccer game. You've got to keep your eyes on the ball, ready to block it at any moment. We've got to be spiritually awake, keeping our eyes on Jesus, ready for His return.

Our Mission While Waiting

And while we're waiting, we've got a job to do. We've got to share the good news about Jesus with everyone we can. It's like we're on a mission, just like in those video games you love. Except this mission is way more important.

So, how do we do this? Well, we can start by praying, reading the Bible, and listening to the Holy Spirit. We can also share our faith with our friends, classmates, and family.

Living in Expectation

And remember, even though we don't know when Jesus will return, we know that He will. That's a promise we can count on. So, let's live boldly, confidently, and share the gospel with others.

Now, let's wrap this up with a prayer. "Lord, thank you for your promise to return. Help us to stay alert and ready. Give us the courage to share your good news with others. We trust in your timing and your plan. Amen."

So, guys, let's go out there and live like Jesus could return at any moment. Because He could. And when He does, let's be found doing what He's asked us to do.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can we stay spiritually awake and alert?

2. Why is it important to share the gospel with others?

3. How can we live confidently knowing that Jesus will return someday?

4. What are some ways you can share the gospel with others this week?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Guess the Time

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