
No Mountain Too High for God

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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In the book of Genesis, we are asked if there is anything too hard for the Lord. Jeremiah provides us with the answer in Jeremiah 32:17, affirming that there is nothing too hard for Him! Our faith can often be tested, especially when we face towering challenges. However, we must remember that no mountain is too high for God.

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?


In the book of Genesis, the question is asked, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" In Jeremiah 32:17, we find the answer that there is nothing too hard for God. Our faith is often tested when we face seemingly insurmountable obstacles, but we can trust that God will give us victory according to His Word and Will. His Word is His Will, and His Will is His Word. In this sermon, we will explore five key points derived from this text.

I. God's Promises:

God's promises are not limited by difficulty or circumstances. He has made numerous promises in the Bible, and though they may not have been spoken directly to us, they are still applicable to our lives. God is the God of promise, and He always keeps His word. We can find hope and comfort in the Scriptures, knowing that God's promises are sure and trustworthy.

II. Prayer:

There is no prayer too hard for God to answer. When we face challenges, we must remember that God is not limited by our circumstances. He specializes in turning difficulties into opportunities for miracles. We should reflect on the last time God answered our prayers and recognize that He is capable of solving any problem we bring before Him.

III. Problem-solving:

Everyone encounters tight spots in life, including believers. These moments often arise when we step out in faith to do something for God. However, no problem is too great for God to solve. We can lean on His promises without fear of breaking them. Just as stars shine brighter in the darkest nights, God's promises shine even brighter in our most challenging situations.

IV. Revival:

There is no place where God cannot send a revival. The Great Welsh Revival serves as an example of how people experienced revival by humbling themselves, obeying God, showing compassion, and fervently praying. Instead of relying solely on human efforts, we must prioritize prayer and claim God's promises. We should believe that there is no location on earth where God cannot bring about a revival.

V. Salvation:

No person is too hard for God to save. We may encounter individuals who seem resistant or difficult, but God's power to save knows no bounds. The story of the paralytic brought to Jesus by four men in Mark 2:1-5 illustrates this truth. Jesus forgave the man's sins and healed him, demonstrating that nothing is too hard for the Lord. The apostle Paul, who considered himself the chief of sinners, also experienced God's saving grace.

Conclusion: God never makes promises that are too good to be true. We can trust in His faithfulness and rely on His Word. When we face challenges, we must remember that nothing is too hard for the Lord. He is capable of fulfilling His promises, answering our prayers, solving our problems, bringing revival, and saving even the most difficult individuals. Let us hold onto these truths and continue to trust in the power and goodness of our God.

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