
No More Excuses: Embrace Your Calling

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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The world may not see the fruits of our faith because we, like Moses, are hiding and making excuses instead of taking action. God often asks us to undertake challenging tasks. Will we trust Him? Do we respond with faith or excuses when God calls?


Last week, we heard a powerful message about faith and works. The pastor challenged us with the question, "Where's your fruit, Church?" Today, we will delve deeper into this question by examining Moses' response to God's call in Exodus chapter 3. Are there things holding us back from being as fruitful as God desires? Let's explore Moses' excuses and reflect on our own lives.

Excuse #1 - I'm Not Qualified

Moses felt inadequate for the task God was calling him to. He saw himself as a simple shepherd, no longer the prince of Egypt. But God assured Moses that He would be with him. It's not about our qualifications; it's about trusting in who God is. When God calls, we must trust Him and step out in faith.

Excuse #2 - I Don't Have Authority

Moses doubted his authority to speak on behalf of God. He wondered how the Israelites would believe him. But God revealed His name, Yahweh, and reminded Moses that he was speaking under His authority. As believers, we are Christ's ambassadors, speaking with His authority. We must remember that we are sent by Jesus and speak in His name.

Excuse #3 - I Won't Be Effective

Moses feared that the Israelites wouldn't listen to him. He focused on the obstacles and doubted God's promises. To address his doubts, God performed miracles to demonstrate His power. Similarly, we often doubt God's promises in our lives. We must have faith and trust that God will provide and be faithful to His word.

Excuse #4 - I'm Not Gifted

Moses claimed he lacked the gift of eloquence. But God reminded him that He created him and would help him speak. We must not limit ourselves by thinking we can only serve in areas where we are naturally gifted. When we obey God's call, He equips us and provides what we need to fulfill His purposes.

Excuse #5 - I Don't Want To

Finally, Moses revealed his true reluctance. He simply didn't want to do what God was asking. He asked God to send someone else. This attitude displeased God, but He still showed patience with Moses. Eventually, Moses submitted to God's call, albeit not in a way that pleased Him. We must examine our hearts and be willing to follow wherever God leads us.


It's time for us to stop making excuses and start living out our faith. We must trust God, obey His call, and step out in faith, even when we feel inadequate or face obstacles. Our fruitfulness comes from relying on God's strength and not our own abilities. Let us be a Church that bears much fruit for the glory of God.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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