
Summary: No Freebie

No Freebie


Luke 14:1,

Luke 14:7-14 



Dear sisters and brothers,

Option for the poor, preference for the poor, and reaching out to the periphery are the slogans good for advertisements.

It does nothing on the ground.

Today, Jesus, the Guest questioned the attitude of differences.

I am rich.

I am influential.

I am powerful.

I hold high position.

I am a spiritual guru.

Why do we say these sentences in our conversations?

We say it to advertise ourselves. 

At the same time, we say it to differentiate ourselves from the other.

Who are these others?

They are poor when I say that I am rich.

They cannot influence when I say that I am influential.

They are powerless when I say that I am powerful.

They are unemployed when I say that I hold high position.

There are not spiritual when I say that I am a spiritual guru.

Look at Jesus our Saviour.

He never ever engaged with these kind of discussions.

Because, he was a humble man, even though he is the Son of God.

He was not against rich, influential, and powerful.

He was for a humble sharing of our resources.

Our resources are a blessing from God.

It is not because of my talent.

I did not bring down with my birth.

We came with nothing.

God has given everything.

He is the creator of everything including us.

What then makes us proud and occupy the first places.

It is our ego.

That is why, Jesus calls for sharing their resources with the needy.

Jesus as a guest is going to share food with everyone.

At this moment, he conveys this message.

His mind and heart are fully of humanity.

Even though Jesus sits for dinner with plenty of food, he thinks about those who are in hunger.

Let us learn that our resources are for sharing with the needy.

It is not freebie.

It is our responsibility and commitment as followers of Jesus Christ.

Our power, influence, and wealth are not permanent. 

God has given them.

God will take it away.

But, our good mind, good heart, good words, and good deeds will never go away from us.

It will bring blessings and graces from God.

Are we ready to accept this message of Jesus humbly so that we can create an equalitarian society in and around us?

May the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all. Amen.


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