
Never Stop Praying: A Beacon of Hope

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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A motivational discourse on the power of unceasing prayer and its role as a source of hope.


Persistent Prayer Provides Hope

Today, we embark on a series that delves into the topic of hope. Hope is an essential aspect of our lives, motivating us to get out of bed each morning. In times of difficulty and monotony, hope enables us to keep moving forward. However, we often search for hope in the wrong places. We may seek it from others or material possessions, thinking that achieving certain levels of enjoyment or engaging in politics and social reform will bring us hope. But this month, we will discover where real hope comes from and how we can access it.

We begin our journey of hope by exploring one of its primary sources: persistent prayer. Not just sporadic or self-serving prayers, but a consistent and ongoing conversation with God, akin to talking to a close friend. It means not giving up on prayer when we are busy or feeling impatient or discouraged.

The Parable of the Persistent Widow

Jesus taught his disciples about the importance of persistent prayer through a story. He shared a parable about a judge who cared nothing for God or people and a widow who sought justice from him. The widow persistently approached the judge, repeatedly asking for help. Initially, the judge ignored her, but eventually, he granted her request because he grew tired of her persistence.

Jesus used this story to emphasize the need for consistent and unwavering prayer. He assured his disciples that if an unrighteous judge could grant justice due to persistent pleading, how much more would God, who cares deeply for His chosen people, respond to their cries for help? Jesus challenged them to maintain persistent faith in their prayers, even when faced with difficulties.

The Power of Persistent Prayer

Persistent prayer provides hope by dispelling despair. While it may not immediately solve our specific problems, it removes the sense of hopelessness surrounding them and eventually brings God's solutions into our lives. We must truly believe in the power of persistent prayer and not view it as a mere psychological trick or escapist tool.

The story of the persistent widow teaches us valuable lessons. Firstly, we must pray persistently to counteract our own weaknesses. The widow in the parable was one of the most vulnerable members of society, a widow without the provision and protection of her husband. Yet, she refused to be victimized by her circumstances and persisted in seeking help. We, too, face weaknesses and challenges that can knock us down, but persistent prayer keeps us hopeful.

Secondly, we must pray persistently because others are weak too. The widow sought help from a judge who should have protected the helpless but instead ignored her. We encounter people in positions of authority who fail to meet our expectations or show indifference to our problems. Even within our own families and relationships, we may experience weakness and lack of support. However, persistent prayer allows us to express hope in God, who cares deeply for us, even when others let us down.

Lastly, we must pray persistently because time is often a factor. The widow's cries for help went on for a long time before the judge granted her request. We often grow impatient when our problems require time to resolve. However, like the widow, we must be willing to invest our time in persistent prayer. Time is our most valuable resource, and when we become impatient with God, we are essentially saying that we do not want to invest our precious time with Him.


Jesus told this story to assure us that persistent prayer brings results. He wants us to understand that we should never lose hope or give up, regardless of the difficulties we face. He wants us to know that He is on our side and will respond to our sincere and persistent prayers.

If you have never made a faith commitment to Jesus, I encourage you to do so today. Jesus has already taken the initiative to be your friend and Savior. He left heaven, became human like us, and paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross. If you ask Him, He will become your friend and forgive all your wrongdoings. Jesus says, "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends" (Revelation 3:20, NIV).

For those who have already accepted Jesus as their friend, He encourages you to pray persistently and never lose hope. If you have been tempted to give up or lose hope in any area of your life, I urge you to recommit yourself to consistent friendship with Jesus and a persistent lifestyle of prayer. Remember, persistent prayer provides hope, and through it, we can experience the power and provision of God in our lives.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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