Never Man Spake Like This Man!
Contributed by Andy Harris on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Conclusion: What a man! What a message! What a voice! Jesus spoke with authority! To whom did Jesus speak that gave Him such a reputation as our text describes? I.
Conclusion: What a man! What a message! What a voice! Jesus spoke with authority! To whom did Jesus speak that gave Him such a reputation as our text describes?
I. THE STORM - Mark 4:35-41 (Disciples in the ship with Jesus)
The winds and the waves new His voice!
Hurricane Georges typifies what happens in our lives:
1. Storms are is brewing all the time in our lives.
2. Sometimes we're hit and sometimes we're missed.
3. The foundation makes the difference.
4. Build on the Rock-not on the sand!
5. When the storm hits a child of God, it must cease, because Jesus is in the boat! Because the storm knows His voice! He is the Peace Speaker!
II. DEATH - John 11:32-44 (Story of Lazarus)
Why did Jesus say, "Lazarus, come forth"? Because death new His voice, and if He had not said, "Lazarus," the whole cemetery would have been emptied! He is the resurrection and the life!
My mother…
One day all that are in the graves shall hear his voice.
III. HIS SHEEP - John 10:1-4
Christ wants to be your personal Savior. He wants to call you by name-Isa. 42:1-2.
Want to know how you can be sure you're a child of God? Want to know how you can know you're really a Christian? Really saved? Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."
When was the last time you heard Jesus speaking to you? He wants a personal relationship with you today. Will you let Him?
Conclusion: Never man spake like Jesus! He wants to speak to you today.