
Summary: How easy it is to forget who we really are!

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Never Forget Who You Are! By G. Van Horn

I Peter 2:9-10

“Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits.” Psalms 103:2

How easy it is to forget who we really are! God has placed His hand on this generation to accomplish great and mighty things. I speak not of our salvation, for that is a given. God is not pleased when His people live defeated lives. God is not glorified when we lack faith and are pessimistic and full of unbelief. God did not choose us to fail. We need to get the idea out of our heads that we are failures. God has not taken us on to be anemic or bare-footed children. We can hold our heads high - for we are chosen of God. We will succeed with God’s help. God has taken on all of us and He will give us the power and enablement to succeed. We need to see ourselves as God sees us. We can accomplish this by work- ing on our image. We will be victorious! We address the unique position all believers possess in Christ. Our text mentions four of these.

1. We are a chosen generation.

Some folks get hung up on doctrine here. But what is there to fuss over? Election and predestination are confusing terms to say the least. Whether you believe it or not - God says “you are a chosen generation.” Let me say it simply this way, “I belong to God!” I can understand belonging to God.

Illustration: I remember how as a young person we chose our baseball teams. We were so poor that Mom made me a cardboard glove. UGH! I never got to use it. Two of the biggest boys would line us up against the catcher’s fence. They would point out who they wanted, “I choose you,” they would call out. I always wanted to be called first - but no such luck. I was always last and they pointed at me as if it was an after thought. I was devastated many times.

God has no second choices. We can stand tall in this world with anyone. There is no need to tuck our heads for anyone. We are hand picked. God looked from heaven and said, “I want you!” “I have chosen you to work for Me.” The apostle Paul put it this way, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3.

Look at the bunch of misfits Jesus chose: Peter, who was always putting his foot in his mouth. Matthew, the hated publican. John and James, the sons of thunder who were two tough guys who would fight you at the drop of a hat. And there were others to mention just a few. Look at them and you’ll conclude that Jesus could never get anything done with them. But Jesus transformed them and made them something beautiful and productive.

2. A royal priesthood.

God in His mercy and grace has given us authority. There is a difference between power (Acts 1:8) and authority. A sixteen wheeler was headed toward restricted area and was unaware of it. Suddenly the driver noticed a policeman step off the curb and blow his whistle. The policeman stepped in from the truck bearing down on him. The policeman kept blowing the whistle and raised his hand signaling for the truck to stop. The driver grabbed every brake on that rig and rubber was burning. Somehow the driver was able to stop just a few feet in front of the policeman. What possessed that driver to act so abruptly? You see, he knew the authority behind the uniform and the whistle. Folks,it’s time to blow the whistle on the devil! Do not slight a believer with their hands raised to heaven. All the authority of heaven is behind those hands. It’s time to claim the victory!

3. A holy nation.

“Holy” means sanctified - separated unto God. Delivered from sin. In right relationship with God. Jesus said, “ Ye are not of the world.” You are in it but you are not part of the world. No need for self righteousness here for that righteousness is as filthy rags. It’s simple. So simple many miss it. You see the closer we get to Jesus the farther we will get from the world.

Illustration: A voice came from upstairs bedroom. “Mom, do I have to go to church today? Mom replies “yes you do!” The voice from upstairs came back, “Give me two reasons why I should go?” Mom answers, “ For one reason you’re 35 years old and the second reason you are the pastor.” To whom much is given much is required.

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