Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Friend, unless you feel that you are doing a great work for the great God, we can never see explosion in our Christian circle!
I am doing a great work!
Nehemiah 6:3 “And I sent messengers to them, saying, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?"
Friend, unless you feel that you are doing a great work for the great God, we can never see explosion in our Christian circle! Are you listening? We got more youth hanging around street corner, Malls, Gym, college, Salons and theatres….rather than at church! There is a yawning gap in the youth wing! Our young professionals have sold out ‘Sundays’ for the devil! We have great buildings, high end music instruments, worship leaders, classy choirs and flashy preachers; however, we need more than these en route to bring our kids into the church! Are you listening?
Gosh! Look at the avalanche of temptations that looms above their head! Promos of movies have become aggressive, flamboyant with ‘push-down-the-throat’ effect! Movie artists are tied up for sales of all products manufactured under the sun! Such is their captivating attraction!
Movie artists are reigning supremely today because we are sleeping soundly! I am speaking to someone out there! Can you hear me? We need fire in the pulpit! We need blazing fire in the pulpit!
The movie Kochadaiiyaan, a hi-tech tamil 3D computer-animated period film, being made with crores of rupees has left nothing unturned for the launch of the movie. Sharp, capable, intelligent, shrewd, hard-working, diligent, persevering, obstinate, tenacious with business acumen are valuable in any field! Alas! There is severe dearth for such crew in the Christian ministry! Young people want to build church without attending Bible college!
People want to preach without fasting and praying! Fascination for anointing is more than touch of the Master! Are you hearing me? This message is written sitting inside the church, after a long session of prayer at His feet! I’m sure God would take this piece to the right person burning hot for God!
Events are dexterously planned for the wide spread release of the movie. They are creating a sensation before the release of the film, so that it provokes people to go and watch out of high curiosity! Karbonn Mobiles phones have tied up with Kochadaiiyaan and they now offer ‘, ‘4 GB memory card’ absolutely free loaded with Actor Rajnikanth super hit movies, songs and much more. Besides, screen savers and images from the film along with the trailer, behind the scenes shots, signature tune of the film and actor Rajnikanth signature on back cover of phones; products are in-built with these additions. All in a single pack brought out with knack to knock you away from the right track!!
We got to do something spectacular to seize the attention of our young crowd and turn them to God. We need the anointing of John the Baptist! Flashy platforms or uniformed choir would not suffice, we got to draw energy from heaven! We need humble, fasting, praying, Bible reading, weeping, servants of God who would tarry with the Lord for an answer to this situation.
I think of Nehemiah now! As soon as Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken and its gates are destroyed by fire, he sat down and wept and mourned for days! Observe the word days! We need someone with such burden for the nation and the lost souls! He put God’s work first and thereby convinced the king to give him leave to fulfill the work of God. With endless problems surmounting him on all sides and trying to sabotage the work of God, yet Nehemiah stood tall and strong and said, ‘why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you/” Way to go!
Let these words burn in you right now!
Let God raise an army to serve Him right now!
Let some hearts be surrendered for His service right now!
In the midst of the above mountains of sins that is coming like a tsunami to drown the people, let us awaken and arise to serve God selflessly!
This is no shoddy work but we are here doing great work for our GREAT GOD! Amen.