Neglected Truths From The Word Of God
Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 26, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: There are so many truths in God's word, let's not get bogged down in sensationalism.
1. In Acts 20, Paul claimed to preach the whole counsel of God.
a. Every truth and doctrine.
b. A great statement.
2. In 2 Timothy 4, Paul told Timothy to preach the word of God.
a. In season when it’s popular.
b. Out of season when it is not popular
3. In Titus 2, Paul states one of these neglected truths.
a. Looking for that blessed hope.
b. The return of the Lord Jesus.
4. Before we have a look at this great truth, let me share a few others. Neglected but should not be.
a. Creation. Genesis 1:1; in the beginning God
b. Fall of man, Romans 3:23; for all have sinned.
c. Redemption only by the blood. Ephesians 1:7
d. Heaven for the saved, hell for the lost. John 14:1-6; Matthew 25:41
e. Yes, this subject, the rapture, the second coming of Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
5. Preachers usually have one of three attitudes with respect to the second coming.
a. Knowing and saying nothing about it, but you can’t read the bible without seeing this great truth.
b. Preaching every Sunday about it.
1) In so doing, neglecting other great truths, I like homemade ice cream but not every day.
2) Set dates, talk of nothing else, and they cause many to shy away from the truth of the blessed hope.
c. While others try to put it in its proper place.
1) I have preached on this subject 8 times.
2) We have watched a few films.
6. I know many come to church with heavy burdens, and problems and nothing brings comfort and joy like knowing Jesus is coming again.
a. My what a giant cure all when Jesus comes again.
b. I want us to see three truths concerning this blessed hope.
I. There are Two Ideas about our Lord’s Return
1. The General judgment
a. Says that the world will get better and better until Jesus comes back.
b. Hen He will gather the good and the bad, some one the right hand and others on the left.
c. He will separate the sheep from the goats. He will send some to hell and others to heaven then eternity.
2. This idea is not supported by the scriptures. It leaves out too much of the bible events.
a. The tribulation, the resurrection, the judgments.
b. Good rule, let scriptures interpret scriptures. This bible does fit together, no contradictions.
3. The specific plan
a. First the rapture. The dead in Christ shall rise.
b. Christians will appear at the Bema Seat; saved only.
1) Romans 8:1
2) John 3:18-19
c. Tribulation period.
d. Battle of Armageddon.
e. Millennial reign.
f. Great White Throne Judgment.
g. New Heaven and New Earth. Eternity will begin.
II. The Number of Scriptures Referring to the Blessed Hope
1. In general, one fourth of the Bible refers to Christ’s second coming and the events surrounding it.
a. If you bought a house and received only three fourths of it, would you be satisfied?
b. If you worked for weeks’ pay, but only received three fourths, would you be upset?
c. We should not be satisfied with only three fourths of Bible preaching.
2. The prophets in the O.T. said more about the second coming of Jesus then they did about His first.
3. Seven verses that refer to Christ’s return.
a. John 14:2-3; I will come Again.
b. 2 Timothy 4:7-8; a crown if we love His appearing.
c. Titus 2:13; Looking for that Blessed Hope
1) This world can not give any hope of peace, joy, but Jesus can.
2) The hope of the Christian is Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15:19
d. Revelation 20:6; hath part in the first resurrection.
e. Philippians 3:20-21; look for our Savior, who shall change our vile body into a glorious one.
1) We shall be like Him. 1 John 3:2
2) Think of all the problems this would solve in our world today.
3) I know the body is important, but not the most important. The soul is.
4) Most of our time is given to the body
f. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17; order of events
1) Return of the Savior in the air.
2) Resurrection of the saints.
3) Rapture of the saints.
4) The trumpet sounds that comes with the rapture.
a) The shout of victory.
b) The signal to do battle.
c) Then the summons to judgement.
g. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; a mystery
1) Previously hidden truth.
2) In the twinkling of an eye.
III. Four Words That Describe the Blessed Hope
1. Deliverance.
a. Psalm 121:1-8
b. List of the things we will be delivered from when Jesus comes.
2. Change.
a. From time to eternity
b. From doubt to assurance
3. Rewards.
a. Works. Deeds. 2 Corinthians 5:10, cup of cold water.