
Navigating Fatherhood: A Journey of Faith

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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A soon-to-be father is pacing anxiously in the hospital corridor while his wife is in labor. His hands are wringing, his fear and anxiety are palpable, and his brow is wet with perspiration, revealing the depth of his distress.


Father's Day

A young soon-to-be father was pacing back and forth in the hospital corridor, anxiously wringing his hands while his wife was in labor. He was filled with fear and anxiety, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, revealing the agony he was experiencing.

Finally, at 4:00 a.m., a nurse emerged from a door and said, "Congratulations, sir, you have a baby girl." The young father's tension eased as he exclaimed, "Thank God it's a girl. She won't have to go through the same agony I've endured tonight."

Being a father is tough, and on this special day, I want to address not just fathers, but men in general. Times have changed, and men today are different in many ways. However, there are certain aspects of being a man that have remained unchanged.

It has been ingrained in men for generations that they should never show tender affection or emotions, as it may be perceived as weakness. Men were taught to be strong, proud, and tough. Unfortunately, this mindset has been passed down through the generations and continues to affect men today.

However, I believe that one of the most precious gifts a father can give to his child is the example of intimate relationships. This starts with a personal and intimate relationship with God. When we have a close relationship with God, it sets the stage for successful relationships with others.

In 1 Timothy 2:8, the apostle Paul expresses his prayer for Christian men to have an open commitment to God's presence and person. He desires men who approach God with holy hands, free from anger and disputes. This calls for men of faith and self-control, who do not doubt or give in to anger. It is a call to develop an intimate friendship with God.

Imagine sitting down with God over a cup of coffee, pouring out your heart and sharing the deepest thoughts of your soul. This is the kind of relationship God desires with each of us. It goes beyond simply being saved and extends to walking with God as friends.

Jesus himself emphasized the importance of intimate friendship when he told his disciples, "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends" (John 15:15, NIV). Jesus wants us to have this kind of relationship with him.

However, there are three challenges that hinder the development of such a relationship. Firstly, the absence of role models makes it difficult for men to know how to cultivate intimate friendships. Many men have never had someone to look up to as a godly example of how to live.

Secondly, the presence of corruption in our surroundings can also hinder the development of intimate relationships. We are constantly bombarded with lewdness, impurity, and dishonesty in our workplaces and society, making it challenging to maintain godly relationships.

Lastly, the consciousness of our own failures can prevent us from forming intimate friendships. Even though God forgives us, we often struggle to forgive ourselves and carry the weight of our past mistakes.

To overcome these challenges, it is crucial for men to seek a personal relationship with God and develop intimate friendships with other Christian men. We need to invest time and effort into building trust, sharing our thoughts and feelings, and supporting one another.


I want to share a story that illustrates the importance of intimate friendships. Tom, Jim, and Steve were hunting buddies who spent a lot of time together. However, when Steve tragically took his own life, Tom realized that their friendship lacked true intimacy. They had shared activities but never opened up about their inner struggles. Tom regretted not being the kind of friend Steve needed.

Therefore, I challenge each man here today to seek a deep relationship with Jesus Christ that goes beyond religious rituals. Cultivate intimate friendships with other Christian men who can provide support, understanding, and encouragement. By doing so, you will not only enrich your own life but also set an example for your children and the world.


On this Father's Day, I hope each of you receives the recognition and appreciation you deserve. But more importantly, I encourage you to give yourself the greatest gift of all – an intimate relationship with the Savior, a close bond with fellow believers, and the ability to teach your children the path to emotional wholeness.

Today is the day to start this journey.

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