
Summary: Edmund’s weakness was Turkish Delight and when he fell to the temptation of Turkish Delight, he hurt himself and others. We also have areas of weakness that when we fall to temptation, we too hurt ourselves and others. But God provides a way out.

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“Turkish Delight”

12/11/05 – John Laeger

#2 in series “Narnia: More Than Just A Fantasy”

I. Introduction


i. How many of you have gone to see Narnia?

1. I give it a total “thumbs up”

2. I plan on seeing it again.

ii. Trivia…

1. What was it that Edmund had a weakness for? He asked for it and would do just about anything to get more of?

2. Answer … “Turkish Delight”

3. It was his weakness.

iii. (refer to bowl of Turkish Delight on table)

iv. THIS is real Turkish Delight.

v. (have Turkish Delight handed out)

vi. Now…here’s the deal…

1. You may or may not like this version of Turkish Delight

2. BUT… Turkish Delight was Edmund’s weakness and when he was tempted with it, he fell to that temptation and paid a price and others paid a price too.


i. This whole deal of Turkish Delight being Edmund’s weakness and temptation goes beyond just the movie.

1. It is more than just a fantasy.

2. We all have areas of weakness in our lives where we are vulnerable to falling when temptation and enticement come along.

3. For Edmund – it was Turkish Delight.

4. For you? - could be a number of things…

a. Could be anything from a weakness and temptation to buy something you know you really shouldn’t or can’t afford…it could be a weakness and temptation to seek the easy way in everything … could be a weakness and temptation to be with somebody you know you shouldn’t be with.

b. Something that when it is put in front of you or the thought comes to your mind…

c. You are tempted to go that way and ultimately it leads to negative consequences.

5. Temptation is very, very real.

ii. The dictionary defines temptation as…

1. “the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid”

2. “to entice to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain”

II. The Truth About Temptation


i. James 1:13 “When people are tempted…”

1. Not “if” – but “when”

2. It will happen.

ii. Temptation is unavoidable.

iii. The objective is not to live a life removed from temptation – it just won’t happen.

iv. BEING tempted is not wrong – it is not “sin”

1. It is what you do and how you respond to that temptation that will lead to either good or bad.

2. Remember … Jesus was tempted.

3. He was tempted directly by Satan himself – intense temptation.

4. Heb 4:15 “He faced all of the same temptations we do, yet he did not sin.”

5. Jesus never sinned. So BEING tempted is not wrong.

6. The issue is how will you respond to temptation?

v. Here’s the deal…everyone of us have desires and weaknesses that could take us to the “dark side”

1. It is called a “sin nature” and you will have it until you die.

2. If you choose to follow Christ on this earth, when you die, you will be rid of your sin nature.

3. If you do not choose to follow Christ on this earth, your sin nature will torment you for all eternity.

vi. God does not tempt us. So we can’t blame Him.

1. James 1:13 “When people are tempted, they should not say, "God is tempting me." Evil cannot tempt God, and God himself does not tempt anyone.”

2. To be tempted is to be enticed to do something wrong.

3. God does not entice you, me, or anyone else to do wrong.

4. Some people view God like we sometimes view mosquitoes…

a. We lure them to our arm – we tempt them with live meat and blood.

b. And when they land and fall to the temptation…

c. We – WHAP!!!

5. God does not tempt or lure anyone to do wrong.

vii. James 1:14 “People are tempted when their own evil desire leads them away and traps them.”

1. For Edmund – it was Turkish Delight.

2. For you it is something else … maybe something completely harmless like donuts…

3. Drama Video: “Donuts & Deadbeats”

viii. Our sin nature has evil desires that just can’t wait to defy rules and go where we know we are not supposed to go, do what we know we are not supposed to do…

1. All this sin nature needs is a sign that says, “Wet Cement. Do not walk.”

2. Or a parent that says, “Be home by midnight.”

3. We get pleasure, we get thrills when we test the rules, go beyond the rules, and do not get caught!

ix. Every one of us is tempted this time of year to buy things that, let’s be honest, we really don’t need and it cost more money than we make and we have to “charge it”

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