Name Of God Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The name of God gives plenty of blessings. Go through the sermon and enjoy the blessings.
Because of your Name Ps 143:11
1. Forgive me. Ps 25:11 & Ps 79:9
For the sake of your name please forgive my sins. God is great in forgiveness, he is merciful God, he is loving God. (Is 43:25). I blot out for my own sake. I swept away your offenses (Is 44:22). Confess and get forgiven (I Jn. 1:9)
Forgiveness preached in his name (Lk. 24:47, Ac 2:38)
2. Revive me. Ps 143:11
David says to the Lord to hear me and answer me (v.1,7), cause me(v.8), deliver me(v.9), teach me and lead me(v.10), revive me or quicken me means keep me alive by bringing my soul out of trouble and cutting off my enemies. Revive me so that we will worship your name (Ps 80:18), revive me according to your word (Ps 118:25), revive me by your righteousness ( 119:40), your word revived me (119:50), revive me according to your grace(199:88), revive me according to justice (119:149).
3. Show mercy. Ezek. 36:21.
I will show mercy because of my name. Israelites lived among the nations and profaned the name of the Lord yet was zealous to protect His holy name, he loved the Israelites and showered his blessings upon them. He shall not allow his name to be profaned among pagans(v.20, 20:9, 14,22) – Israelites rebelled against God five times: in Egypt(20:2-9), in Wilderness(20:10-13), In Canaan(V.14-26) and during Ezekiel period(2:30-32) – God keeps everything in record. When people scattered among the heathen, the pagan said the national God of Israelites failed to protect them, he is powerless. So God sanctified his name and his people(36:23).
4. Leads me in the paths of Justice. Ps 23:3
God has created us, he has redeemed us from the bondages of Sin, from the clutches of Pharaoh. God leads us in the paths of justice, grace and righteousness. He loves all of us. He has redeemed Israel. He loved Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, therefore he leads us in the paths of Justice. He knows our weaknesses and all our problems. No one can do injustice to us. Laban wanted to harm Jacob but God never allowed him. Ps 31:3 Show me the way I should go because of your name. Pr 30:7-9 two things from the Lord. Neither poor nor rich.
5. Because of his name
Persecution for his name sake. Mt. 10:22, 24:9, Mk 13:13, Lk 21:17,12, Jn. 15:21, 1 Pet 4:14. Paul had to suffer Ac 9:16. For the sake of the name of Jesus they wanted to give up their life. (Ac 15:25). Continued to take efforts for the sake of the name of the Lord (Rev.2:3). If you leave anything for the sake of God’s name. Mt. 19:29.