
Summary: Most people think of this Mystery of God manifest in the flesh as applying only to the deity of Jesus Christ. But it also have huge implications for godly Christian living.

The Mysteries of God: Mystery # 1

“God was Manifest in the flesh” (I Tim. 3:16 KJV)

The Scriptural definition of a “mystery of God” is understood by comparing scripture with scripture. The New Testament "mysteries" are spiritual truth not revealed during the Old Testament, but now revealed by God to the whole world through the preaching of the Gospel. (Eph. 3:4-6; Col. 1:26; Rom. 16:25-26; Dan. 12:9-10). The mysteries of God give us a profound understanding of God, His Eternal Kingdom, The Church of our LORD Jesus Christ, and the spiritual warfare engulfing the Universe. Every Christian has a responsibility to know and teach “the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory” (1Cor. 2:7). We are “… the ministers of Christ, & stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1Cor. 2:7-14; 4:1- 2). There are great rewards for the faithful steward (Matt. 24:45-47). The Mysteries are the Church’s glory (1Cor. 2:7) & a priceless treasure that can transform our lives & society for incredible good.

Mystery # 1: “God was Manifest in the flesh” (I Tim. 3:16 KJV)

“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: (1) God was manifest in the flesh, (2) justified in the Spirit, (3) seen of angels, (4) preached unto the Gentiles, (5) believed on in the world, (6) received up into glory” (I Tim. 3:16). [Many new translations translate: “He was manifest in the flesh”]

Notice the 6 great truths about Jesus Christ revealed in this Mystery. We will focus on these 6 Truths as they relate to 4 key & unique events in the life of Jesus: (1) The virgin birth, (2) Transfiguration, (3) Resurrection, and (4) Ascension. No other human being in all of History has ever been virgin born, transfigured, resurrected from the dead, ascended into heaven & sat down at the right hand of God! What most Christians seem to miss is the fact that these 4 unique events in the life of Jesus portray life changing spiritual realities every Christian will experience!

We must begin with a preliminary note on the Importance of Progressive Revelation in the Bible. Each great Divine truth & Doctrine begins in seed form in the Book of Genesis, grows with life giving insight throughout the Bible, finally culminating in a life altering full bloom of glory in the Book of Revelation. We find answers to life's great questions!

We learn a lot about God in the Old Testament but behold His glory as never before in the Historical Person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14). The ultimate revelation of God is found in Jesus, the incarnate Son of God (Col. 2:9; 1:19; John 1:14, 18). There is a progressive revelation of God “in Christ” throughout the New Testament (Matt. 1:23; John 14:10-11. 20; 2 Cor. 5:19). The full glory of the Divine Son is finally seen in the Book of Revelation with Jesus revealed as “King of Kings & LORD of LORDs” (Rev. 1:17; 19:16). The revelation transforms us (2Cor. 3:18)! This is why it takes a whole Bible to be a whole Christian (Matt. 4:4). You really grow & mature in your Faith as you read & study the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation. We can’t afford to skip parts of the Bible any more than a Surgeon can skip a few anatomy classes!

We see this Progressive Revelation in the supernatural design of the 4 Gospels. The Gospel of Mark (50 A.D) has no genealogy. Jesus presented as the perfect servant of the LORD (Isa. 52:13 – 53:12). The Gospel of Matthew (60’s) traces Jesus’ genealogy back to King David (1000 BC) then Abraham (2000 BC) (Matt. 1:1) & reveals Jesus as King. The Gospel of Luke (60 ‘s) traces Jesus’ genealogy back to the 1st man, Adam & reveals Jesus as the perfect man who came to save all mankind. The Gospel of John (90 A.D) traces Jesus’ existence & Being all the way back to the beginning; and reveals Jesus as God manifest in human flesh. The Book of Revelation gives us the full “revelation of Jesus Christ”(1:1).

“And without controversy…” - There can be no question about the validity of this truth – Jesus is God! The mystery of how God can become a man is beyond our human understanding. But the fact that God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ is beyond dispute!

“great is the mystery of godliness” - The greatest part of this mystery is that “God was manifest in the flesh.” Manifest in two ways:

First & foremost “God was manifest in the flesh” in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God! (Col. 2:9). Secondly, “God was (and is) manifest in the flesh” in every true “born again” Christian. If we are a Christian, Christ lives “in” us (Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 13:5; etc.). And Christ is God!

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