
My Time is Now: From Labour to Favour

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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When God remembers us, He changes our status from labour to favour. Everyone has a time and season for their reign - it's just a matter of time. Declare that 'My time is now', in Jesus' name.


When God remembers a person, He brings about a settlement in their life. He transforms their toil into favor and blesses them abundantly. Divine settlement occurs when God intervenes in our lives, and it is always a matter of time. Let us declare with faith that our time for divine remembrance is now, in the name of Jesus.

Candidates for Divine Settlement

1. Those in captivity:

The first group of people that God remembers are those who find themselves in various forms of captivity. In God's plan, after a season of imprisonment comes a season of honor and glory. Just as Pharaoh sent for Joseph from the dungeon, God will cause your destiny helpers to locate you and bring you into your place of favor and prosperity.

2. Those facing impossible situations:

If you are in a situation where it seems that nature and circumstances are working against you, take heart! Your season of divine remembrance has arrived. With God, all things are possible, and He can turn your disadvantages into advantages. Remember Sarah, who conceived a child in her old age. Trust in God for your miracle, and it shall come to pass.

3. Those experiencing fruitless toil:

As Christians, we work by the favor and mercy of God. He orders our steps and leads us to success. Sometimes, our hard work may not yield the desired results without God's grace. But I prophesy to you today, if you have been toiling without seeing the fruits of your labor, God is about to lift you up. Just as Simon toiled all night without catching any fish, but at Jesus' command, he had a miraculous catch. Your breakthrough is coming!

Notable Things that Happen When God Settles a Person

1. Questions are asked to favor their case:

When God decides to favor someone, questions are often asked. These questions can come from enemies to mock or from friends to honor. King David asked if there was anyone from the house of Saul to whom he could show kindness. This led to the divine settlement of Mephibosheth, who was handicapped but received royal treatment. No matter the battles you face, God will preserve you until your day of glory and honor.

2. Protocols are broken:

In God's plan, protocols can be broken to favor a person. Joseph was displeased when his father blessed his younger son more than the firstborn. However, his father explained that it was according to God's plan. God qualifies the disqualified and promotes them to enviable positions. Trust in God's timing and His ability to break protocols for your favor.

3. Divine encounters with destiny helpers:

In the pursuit of our destiny, everyone can be useful, but not everyone is necessary. King Saul had no one to assist him in becoming king, but God strategically placed destiny helpers on his path. Similarly, God has a perfect favor plan for you. He knows how to connect you with the right people who will help you fulfill your purpose.


Divine remembrance brings about divine settlement. When God remembers you, He settles you in every area of your life. Trust in His timing and His ability to transform your toil into favor. Declare with faith that your time for divine remembrance is now, and expect God's blessings and breakthroughs in your life.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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