
Summary: We can keep talking about the storms or we can surrender to God and talk about how we are going to rise above the storms of life.My redeemer lives is a life-style that is played out in a believers life.

Lessons learned from Job #5

My redeemer lives



We have been in a study of Job for several weeks and we have looked at all the suffering that Job went through.

We see more than the average person could bear. We see a man who had it all together get broken and face trial after trail.

We never pray for the patience of Job because to receive the patience of Job means we would have to go through what Job did.

This week has been a challenge for me. I preached last Sunday and my eye was itchy and giving me some problem but I made it through the day. Monday morning I wake up and my eye was just about swollen shut and itched like mad. I looked like Rocky Balboa.

I went to my family doctor and he sent me to a specialist and the specialist said that I got the cold sore virus in my eye. Lots of tests, strong medicine, ointment, medicated eye drops, and a lot of prayer.

Why does this have to happen to me! I got no time for things like this.

I thought maybe the Lord was going to make me a sermon illustration as a man standing up here with sores to illustrate Job trails. I glad he didn’t let it get that far.

Made me think- I may look fine today but it was a week. We do not know what other people have gone through in the last week. They may not show on their face what is going on in their heart.

But God does! He has seen the week!

At some point, we have to rise above what we are going through or it will take us down.

We have to surrender to God not the storms of life. (Repeat)

We can keep talking about the storms or we can begin making conversation about rising above the storms!

Which one are you this morning? How many want to be the ones that rises above? Let me see your hands.

We have had a baby dedication, rising money for alabaster, we have heard a beautiful song of how great God is, our worship team has lead us to worship…but nothing touches your life like letting God’s Word change you from the inside out! Amen!


Chapters and chapters of pain and bad advice-

God remained silent for a long time to see what Job would do in these situations.

He allowed the devil to inflict pain, but God would not allow him to kill Job.

Satan could not do it. We know who holds the key to our lives as believers! We know that if he could, that Satan would take out the men and women of God so that God would get no glory and the gospel would not be preached to unbelievers

Satan is allowed to do only so much and we forget who has won the battle already and who has never given up His throne.

We live defeated lives and fall short of what God has called us to do because we have the wrong focus.

Job 19:25- Text Job speaking-

“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God. I myself will see him with my own eyes- I, and not another. How my heart yarns within me.”

It is his profession of faith in the midst of pain and suffering.

He knows that his redeemer lives! Satan could not destroy him though he did not know it was Satan.

He believed that whatever happens to him including if God brought judgment he was going to serve his God.

He understood that there was a redeemer coming to set forth his feet on this earth, though he did not know his name, we know his name and his name is Jesus Christ the Nazarene.

He knows that He is a living redeemer coming, not one dead but one who was resurrected from the grave and because this redeemer lives, he would also live, that he also would be resurrected.

He comforts himself with knowing that on the other side of the grave is victory and peace and eternal life.

When you know that your redeemer lives, there are a few things you will learn from Job and his experiences.

Examine your life

You will ask the question of God, Is there any un-confessed sin in my life? You will make sure nothing is blocking you from being able to hear God’s voice. There are so many voices battling for our attention. It is not necessarily the loudest that should get our attention.

2 Corinthians 13:5-

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you-“

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