
Summary: This is the beginning of a series of sermons dedicated to some of the names of God.

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Scripture: Genesis 22:13-14; Matthew 6:25-34

Series: Names of God – Looking at a few names of God in the Old and new Testament - (Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, God the Father, God in Flesh – Yeshua (Jesus) God as Spirit (Holy Spirit)

Theme – Yahweh Yireh (Jehovah Jireh)

Proposition – God reveals Himself as the God who not only sees but provides.


What would you say if you were asked you to –

Share a little bit about yourself.

How much would you share?

How far back in your life would you start the conversation?

How open and revealing would you be?

When it comes to the Bible, we see the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY repeatedly revealing more and more about His character, His nature, His plan for Creation and His love for human beings.

At first, it may seem like our Old Testament story has all the makings of an ancient horror story. A horrifying story involving some god or goddess that will not be pleased until they take the most precious thing away from one of their worshippers.

It sounds like something we would read about involving one of Canaanite gods - Molech, Chemosh or Baal or even one of the Greek, Roman or Egyptians gods or goddesses. It is not something that we would think we would be reading that involves the Lord God Almighty.

But as we read the entire story, we discover that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is nothing like those other so-called gods or goddess. He is the Good God of Creation; the Great I Am and the true Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

I am convinced that Abraham was taken by surprise by what was going on. Then I am sure he became greatly confused until finally he began to understand the true nature of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

Again, at the beginning it does look like the God that Abraham had committed his life to was asking Abraham to do something that the other Canaanite gods commonly asked their worshippers to do – to sacrifice one of their children.

Despite that thought; Abraham was determined to be faithful to the Lord God Almighty no matter what the cost. That faithfulness extended to his son Issac as well. This is not a story of a man who kidnaps his son and forces him on the altar to be sacrificed.

That is not what is being played out in Genesis chapter 22.

It is a seasoned man and a young man in his 20’s doing what they believe is the best thing they can do to serve their God – the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY – THE GOOD GOD OF CREATION.

Isaac agrees to allow his father Abraham to take his life on an altar of sacrifice if that is God’s will.

Now, it is one thing for Abraham to be willing to give the life of his son and it is quite another thing for Isaac to be willing to lay down his life for his father’s faith and for his faith.

No matter how you look at this story it is a story in which these two men were determined to be obedient. They were fully consecrated and committed. That is a powerful key to understanding this passage.

Both father and son were trusting that somehow, someway that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY was going to make everything come out right. In their hearts they believed that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY would make a way for everything to end well.

The story unfolds this way:

+Abraham tells his son what is to happen.

+Isaac agrees to be the sacrifice.

+Abraham binds his son and helps him get on the altar.

+Abraham spends time in worship and prayer.

+The killing knife is raised to deliver the fatal blow.

+Right before the blow can be administered, the Angel of the LORD commands Abraham to put down the knife.

+Abraham is then told to release his son for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY has provided a sheep to take Isaac’s place.

Abraham and Isaac then sacrifice the sheep and continue to worship the LORD. As they leave the mountain and begin their journey home, they are closer to one another and nearer to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Both father and son have been willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice.

Abraham cries out that now he knows God intimately more than ever before. He knows God not only as the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY but as Jehovah Jireh – the God that always sees and will always provide.

Now, what are we who live nearly 4,000 years later to receive from this story? What are we to learn?

Let me share with you this morning two things that I think we can take from this story that will not only bring us great comfort but will challenge us to become closer to the LORD as well.

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