
Summary: It is with great joy and delight that I welcome you to our month of walking in grace! Anytime the word grace is mentioned it elicits some joy deep in my heart

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It is with great joy and delight that I welcome you to our month of walking in grace! Anytime the word grace is mentioned it elicits some joy deep in my heart. It soothes my heart, my soul is thrilled, it is like me wearing an expensive garment that someone has just given to me! I believe that is why one of the most popular songs in Christendom is "Amazing grace" by John Newton. It is indeed "a sweet sound that saves a wretch like me, I guess like you". " For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men" Titus 2:11. Jesus the progenitor of grace gives us reason for procuring grace for us, it is to bring salvation to humanity. The issue today is are you walking in that grace? Or are you walking in something less than grace? This month God is leading us to walk in his grace in the liberty that God gives to us. Unfortunately we have turned grace to gracelessness and revel in meddlesomeness. "And the Word (Jesus) was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14. My prayer is that you will understand grace afresh , but more importantly walk in grace and enrich yourself with the blessing and benefits of grace.

What is Grace? Grace is a well used but not a well-known or understood word. Grace is divine help and strength that we receive through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Through grace, we are saved from sin and death. The word "grace" in biblical parlance can, like forgiveness, repentance, regeneration, and salvation, mean something as broad as describing the whole of God's activity toward man or as narrow as describing one segment of that activity. An accurate, common definition describes grace as the unmerited favor of God toward man. Yes, Grace is God in his majesty, finding a new path for humanity their depraved nature to ensure we reign on earth and in heaven Rom 5:17. Grace is grounded in a person not in a performance. Jesus Christ is grace personified. A picture of grace is revealed in the life of Paul. Paul deserved the severest judgement for what he had done! He had persecuted the church. Instead Paul was allowed to live and became a spokesman and leader in the church "by the grace of God." God exhibited His Grace! I guess you are not thinking it is only Paul, but you! Yes you. You will not be reading this article as a Christian if not for the grace that wiped away your ugly, sinful, terrible past.

What is the purpose of Grace? Many of us know what grace is but what we don't know is the purpose of grace. When the purpose of a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable. Maybe that is why grace is being abused in our time. So, why Grace? The purpose of grace is simple, to save us from sins in the simplest way as the law route was complex, unproductive and ineffective. Why save us from sin, because sins separated us from God. Why must we be connected to God? Because God is our Maker, we cannot live without him in this world or thereafter. The hidden most important purpose of grace is to secure a future for us after this world! You heard me! Grace is not much of this world, grace is more about life after death. Hear what Paul says: But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen. And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 1 Cor 15:13:17-19. The purpose of grace is to prepare us for eternity! That is why you are not born into any religion. That you are born into a Christian home does not make you a Christian. Born into Hindu home does not make you Hindu. Just as plain as if you are born by a Lawyer parent does not make you a lawyer. That is why you are a free agent, free to make choices. I don't want to go to complex issues of doctrine of election. The coming to this world of Jesus and his death on the cross is the instrumentality of grace to save from sin. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. That is the simplest way humanity can make heaven, that is why law and commandments route cannot help because it is about dos and don'ts, but grace is about acceptance of Christ who came from heaven to take you to heaven!. (John 6:38< Lk 19:10, Jn 14:6)The purpose of grace is to give you a highway to heaven, if you make the mistake of ignoring grace, it will be at your peril. That is why John 3:16 says whoever rejects him will perish and Mk 16:25 says such people are damned!

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