My Month Of Solutions
Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 10, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: Welcome to our month of Solutions. Our God of abundant love and solutions will in the Splendour of His Majesty couple with his sovereignty touch all areas of your life that has defiled solutions .
Welcome to our month of Solutions. Our God of abundant love and solutions will in the splendour of His Majesty couple with his sovereignty touch all areas of your life that has defiled solutions since January this year or years past. God will give you heavenly and permanent solutions to the troubles of your life. That problem/ challenge that is troubling your soul, marriage, family, work, ministry that is called physical, spiritual, financial academic challenges that the society is using to identify you will be removed this month in Jesus name. As God granted uncommon solutions to intricate and multifaceted problems facing the Israelites by parting the Red Sea, destroying their enemies (Pharaoh and his cohort) pursuing them , providing manna by cooking in heaven for them when they had no feasible means of food and water and carrying them on eagles wings (supplying all necessary material) will surely make you smile this month.
Simply put God is ready to end the demon of famine around you but desire that you take giant steps to make things happen. When men do the possible God will do the impossible.
The approach to this article will be by sharing some nuggets from 2 Kings 7. You may wish to have a bible ready to take full advantage of this special menu.
2 Kings 7.
Verse 1. 'By this time tomorrow there will be an end to your famine. The man of God prophetically expresses the mind of God.
The spiritual atmosphere of your life or nation is taken care of by the loving God. There will be surplus food and the needs of people will be met. God is not a man that He should lie. The church is positioned to seek the mind of God for the nations. The church is to reveal God's purposes for the nations. The ministers are to be the harbingers and custodians of God's plan for nations' economic growth not woes. Just as you are well endowed to know the mind of God for your future without seeking seers, prophets and visioners.
Verse 2. "If God will open windows can this things be." Some people are always sceptical even when they are in trouble. They are pessimists and not optimists. You cannot go far in life if all you see is impossibilities and recessions, austerity and failures based on circumstances.
In Gen 1:2 the earth was void and full of darkness and it did not intimidate our God and should not intimidate you. You are made in God's image and likeness. Those who will enjoy a life of solution and supernatural abundance must be people of faith who will always see beyond the challenges they are facing.
Do you have an idea of who God is, his sovereignty, majesty, awesome power, that you doubt the capacity and ability of the God that created the universe? That makes the whole earth his footstool, that says' the nations are like a drop of water in a bucket as far as he is concerned?' Never doubt God. Your mind is too little to fathom what this God can do. Col. 1:15-end.
Verse 3. "Why sit we here till we die?" the lepers queried. Here emerges the solution thinkers, movers and doers. There are people who refuse to see their physical disabilities. These are people who knew that their brain is meant to provide solution not just a load packaged on their neck. They are social outcasts but not mental outcasts. Yes, they have skin diseases but not brain deformity. The society locked them out but they refused to lock in themselves. Those in the city thought they were superior and that the lepers were inferior, but experience here shows the reverse.
Many people are born with silver spoons in the mouth and they will die wretched, while those who were born without spoons at all die as multi- billionaires! Until you know the 'why' of life you cannot make progress. One of the "whys" you must find solution to is 'why am I where I am?'
Why do I seem not to be making progress?
Why am I poor? Why are things tight for me?
Why am I always in trouble? Why can't I achieve like my colleagues who are genuinely doing well not thieves and corrupters?
Why is the ministry not moving forward?
Why is my marriage what it is?
If you are separated or divorced, why am I separated or divorced?
Why am I not making progress in my academics?
Why is my business stagnating or stagnated?
Why am I not married? Why am I not pregnant? Why is my wife not pregnant? Why can't I keep my job? Why do I have sleepless nights? Why can't I push my ideas through?
Why is the nation in famine?