
Summary: It is with great delight and joy that I welcome you to this special month of Sanctification. Salvation we know is a gift- "God saved you by his grace when you believed.

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It is with great delight and joy that I welcome you to this special month of Sanctification. Salvation we know is a gift- "God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God." Thank God you believe in Christ Jesus, thereafter the bible says 'work out your salivation with fear and trembling' Phil 2:2 some young converts would question this seeming contrast "if I have received a gift of salvation why do I need to work it out"? My simple answer has always been if you are given a precious gift, like the gift of salvation the onus is on you to guard it jealously and manage it meticulously, which I believe the bible is referring to as 'working it out'. One of the ways to work out your salvation is what the bible refers to as sanctification. In the past century vocabularies like sanctification, justification, redemption, righteousness, holiness, integrity, rebirth, regeneration, restoration, grace, self-denial, self- control, warfare, forgiveness, remission of sin, the cross, were fundamental, now they have virtually disappeared among the church terminologies. It even appears they have been replaced with terminologies like prosperity, materialism, success, wealth, affluence, seed sowing, promotion, opulence, hype-grace, welfare, believe it claim it and many others that have literarily watered down the gospel and have produced half-baked if baked at all Christians of today.

This month, as the Lord permits, we are praying that we shall go back to the bible days, the apostolic era, not just as a discourse but as a way of life. "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." Jn 17:17 I am praying that you and I will be sanctified by the truth and live a sanctified life. "Consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy; for I am the LORD your God. Keep my statutes, and do them; I am the LORD who sanctifies you" Lev 20:7-8. I pray you will be baptized with the fire of the Holy Ghost that will keep you sanctified and sanitized for our Lord.

Greetings To Nigeria

May I seize this opportunity to appreciate God for our dear country Nigeria and thank God for keeping us for 59 years of independence in spite of all the economic woes, the kidnappings, the rigging of elections, the corruptions, and bad governance, we have survived. I pray that we shall keep surviving, pass over survival stage and enter thriving era. I pray that God will give the government wisdom to execute their NEXT LEVEL three-point agenda of reviving the economy, properly handle the security challenges and more importantly push corruption down. I pray that our politicians will not just be next election focused but will be consumed by a vision and passion to develop the nation. May the Lord sanctity and sanitize Nigeria. Happy anniversary Nigeria. May you and I be partakers of the good of Nigeria in Jesus name.

Greetings to Canada

As Canada goes to the polls this month may the Lord choose for us godly leaders. Leaders that shall fear God and take Canada to Next Level of progress and advancement.

State of many Christians

It is sad today to notice that majority of Christians don't have the reverential fear of God; they think they're at liberty to live the way they choose. Christians live reckless lives and support it with their own interpretation of the bible. For instance, I hear people quote "Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty"1 Cor 3:17 therefore wear what they like, talk the way they like, attend services when they like, serve God the way they like. Listen -what the bible is saying is that there is liberty to do the right thing, not what you like! Another example is about Christians drinking alcohol and saying Jesus turned water to wine, Paul says give small wine for your stomach 1 Tim 5:23. Christians commit adultery and say Samson was anointed and committed adultery. Judges 16. People marry two or more wives and claim Solomon married 700 wives and 300 concubines, 1 King 11. That Abraham was a friend of God yet he told a lie about his wife. But this is a dangerous way for believers to think. To start with in citing those scriptures, they fail to tell you the implication of people who had such life styles. We rarely talk about holiness, righteousness and purity. The youth today is so obsessed with wearing tattoos, piecing their nose and and ears everything is about copying the world! Instead of copying the bad habits of people, why not the good ones. Instead of being a Judas why not be a Peter who repented. Instead of being Reuben who covered his adulterous life with his father's concubine why not be like Judah who repented his adultery with his son's wife! Many today are contented with being LGBTQ2 Christians! Some churches even ordain them as Pastor! There's a way of life that's not right for a Christian, and if you're going to fulfil the purpose of God for your life, you've got to have purity of heart; you must live according to God's nature of righteousness and true holiness. Christians must change their life style of lackadaisical, nonchalant, careless attitude to sanctified life style.

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