
Moving Life's Mountains

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Regardless of the size of the challenges we face in life, they can be overcome through faith


No matter what challenges you face in life, they can be overcome. In Mark 11:22-26, Jesus tells us that if we have faith in God, we can move mountains. This means that no matter how big or difficult our problems may seem, God is greater and can help us overcome them.

Facing the Mountains

We all encounter mountains in our lives, regardless of our age, wealth, education, or location. These mountains can take the form of obstacles, problems, setbacks, troubles, or hardships. They can affect our relationships, our health, our work, and our overall well-being. But the good news is that these mountains are not meant to control us. With faith in God, we have the power to control and overcome them.

When facing a mountain, the first step is to look towards heaven and pray to God. We need to trust Him and have confidence in His ability to help us. Jesus said in John 14:1, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." This means that we should not let fear or doubt consume us, but instead put our trust in God.

It's important to understand that when Jesus talks about moving mountains, He is not referring to physical mountains like Mount Everest. He is talking about the challenges and obstacles that hinder our progress and growth in life. These mountains can be anything that stops us from attending church, worshiping God, serving others, or living a fulfilling life.

Having faith in God means believing that He is bigger and stronger than any mountain we face. He is wiser and more powerful than our problems. Just as Jill Scott sings about love being deeper, tighter, sweeter, and higher, we can say the same about God. He is tighter, sweeter, higher, and flyer than any mountain we encounter.

When we have faith in God and pray without doubting, we can speak to our mountains and command them to be removed. We can trust that God will bring about the changes we desire. Psalm 37:3-5 encourages us to trust in the Lord, delight in Him, commit our ways to Him, and He will bring our desires to pass.

In Mark 11:24, Jesus assures us that whatever we ask for in prayer, believing that we have received it, will be ours. This means that if we have faith in God and speak to our mountains with confidence, they will be moved. However, it's important to note that the timing and manner in which the mountains are moved is up to God. We cannot rush or force Him to act according to our desires.

Sometimes God will move the mountains on His own. Other times, He may send someone into our lives to help us overcome them. He may also equip us with the strength, wisdom, and guidance found in His Word to handle the mountains ourselves. And in some cases, God may not remove the mountains but instead guide us around them or give us the strength to climb over them. Whatever the case may be, we can trust that God's grace is sufficient for us.

Examples from the Bible

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of individuals who faced mountains in their lives but were able to overcome them with God's help. Joseph went from being sold into slavery to becoming a ruler in Egypt. Job lost everything but was blessed with even more in the end. Daniel and the three Hebrew boys were saved from lions and a fiery furnace. The Apostle Paul faced numerous challenges but was able to endure and spread the gospel.


Just as these individuals needed God's assistance, we too need Jesus in our lives to help us overcome our mountains. We cannot handle them on our own. We need His guidance, strength, and grace. Romans 10:9 reminds us that if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.

In conclusion, no matter what mountains we face in life, they can be moved. With faith in God, we can overcome any obstacle or challenge. We must trust in Him, pray without doubting, and speak to our mountains with confidence. God is bigger, stronger, and wiser than any problem we encounter. He will guide us, equip us, and help us overcome our mountains. So let us put our faith in Him and experience the victory He has in store for us.

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