Motivated From Within Series
Contributed by Allan Kircher on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Be on guard to enable the right drive. Be on guard to motivate the right drive. You are either going to motivate the sinful nature or the Spirit of God in every situation in your life. The more you motivate, enable and act on the Spirit of God the more
Allan H. Kircher
28 Sept 08
What is your motivation, your drive, your ambition to continue in the world today?
Are you crying deep within trying to seek God’s will in your life, but you just seem to continue in the ways of the world?
The drive within you determines the road you take in this forgotten world. A world plagued with crime, sex, addictions, and a world surrounded by the prince of darkness.
Your drive must be strong, but it must be the drive of the Spirit within you.
Various approaches of psychology speak of various “drives”. Some talk about the sex drives as being the primary drive, while others talk about the drive for self-fulfillment.
Others speak of addictions to alcohol, tobacco, or various drugs.
Theologians often speak of the dominance of inherited (original) sin.
Behavioral therapists talk about the strength of learned behavior.
Physicians and psychiatrists talk about the influence of chemical imbalance upon people causing them to exhibit inappropriate behavior.
But God says today there is a drive, a power, a force, strength greater than any of these.
It is a power that can neutralize, even supersede any other drive. It is the power of the Spirit of God. PRAY PRAY PRAY
We first must look at Jesus and how the drive of the Spirit of God was used in his life.
Matthew describes Jesus as being “Led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Matthew 4:1).
However, Mark says, “And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness” (Mark 1:12).
Jesus did not look at his own drive, ambition, or motivation. He was led by the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of God superseded the human drive.
The word description of the word “drive” is of an animal being prodded by a stick to make it go.
What drive is in your life today? What has prodded you on the road you travelled today?
When you fell into that negative attitude yesterday who was poking you to divulge you in that behavior?
There are only two drives you can take, the Spirit of God or Satan.
Jesus was to go into the wilderness that would be extremely hot in the day and cold at night. It would be barren.
In the wilderness Jesus would be alone for forty days. There would be wild animals that would seek his life. He would eat no food or drink no water during his stay.
He would also be tempted by the strongest tempter, the devil. What do you think his mind and body were telling him?
From the human side, his body must have said, “ I don’t want to go without food and water, especially for forty days.”
His emotions must have said, “I don’t feel like going through this all alone.” His intellect must have said, “There has to be another way.” His will must have argued, “I don’t think I can handle this.”
In our everyday lives don’t we do the same things?
How many times has the Pastor preached up here about our mind, will, and emotion?
When we face the trails of life our emotions say, “I have a legitimate accuse to argue this point.” Or our intellect tells us “I can just ask for forgiveness if I explode in anger.”
Or our will argues with us and tells us it’s ok were human “you’re going to sin.”
This is the drive of your will and if you get sucked into that you will deteriorate in the Spirit of God.
This is why you need to tap into God’s grace to supersede these actions and thoughts.
Gal 5:16-17 So I say live by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the sinful nature, for the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other and you do not do what you want.
You see, you have a choice, are you giving into the sinful nature or are you motivating the Spirit of God?
Be on guard to enable the right drive. Be on guard to motivate the right drive. You are either going to motivate the sinful nature or the Spirit of God in every situation in your life.
The more you motivate, enable and act on the Spirit of God the more the Spirit suppresses the sinful nature.
How then was Jesus able to walk through this experience and come out victorious? What drove Him? It was the Spirit of God in Him.
His desire to seek his Father’s will drove him in the Spirit.
Your desire must be to seek the Spirit of God in all things.
The more you enable the Spirit of God in your life the easier the suppression of the sinful nature becomes.