Mother's Day
Contributed by Bret Bone on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Being a mother is difficult… a challenging responsibility that is defiantly underappreciated…it takes patience…and it takes commitment. I think that every mother learns at a young age… the importance of wearing many hats within the home. How many of
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Video- Being Mom…skit guys
Being a mother is difficult… a challenging responsibility that is defiantly underappreciated…it takes patience…and it takes commitment.
I think that every mother learns at a young age… the importance of wearing many hats within the home.
How many of the mothers here today can relate to the video we just watched?
Correct me if I’m wrong…but hasn’t every mom received that name brand vacuum at one time or another in their lifetime as a Mother’s Day gift?
I can remember the first mother’s day gift that I purchased for my dream girl… “A under the counter can opener”…
We were engaged…and I was planning ahead.
I couldn’t figure out why Shiela didn’t get excited as I did about that???????????????
Each year on this special day… children and husbands all around the world take time to purchase the special gift for their mothers and wives.
If you’re a last minute shopper and have not purchased a gift for your mother or your wife yet, let me give you a couple of helpful hints on what not to buy.
Do not buy Mom anything that plugs in...If something needs to be plugged in, she will only see it as a tool. (Not good…I personally learned that one)
If Mom does not currently have a membership at the gym…do not offer to buy her one…or buy her any exercise equipment or videos…because this will lead to six months of her asking you why you think she needs to exercise in the first place.
And I guarantee you that you will never have the right answer to that one...
And if you ask her where she would like to eat her mother’s day lunch…more than likely she is going to say that it doesn’t matter…you choose.
My advice to you is…it does matter…(you choose means) make sure you take her to her favorite restaurant.
Mother’s Day is the one day of many throughout the year that mom’s should be placed upon a pedestal…and thanked for all they do.
You must remember and never forget that God…choose you to be a mom.
Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers here this morning. We are excited that you are here…
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As we continue today in our Re-Discover Church Open House Month…I want every mother here to realize how important that she is to God and too her home.
The Bible says that the Husband is the head of the house…and I agree with that 100%.
But I also am smart enough to realize that behind every man…there is a great woman… great Mom.
Mom are very special people.
They have many abilities that dads don’t possess.
Without the love that only a Mother can give…I question what condition each HOME might be in?
Every home begins with making sure that there is a solid foundation in which to build it on.
My hope is that every mother that is here today realizes that there is only one right way to live life…and that’s... “God’s way”
In PROVERBS 22:6…Mothers are given some clear advice on how to raise their children. (Read)
Clearly God’s way is the most important thing to be established early in life…
What does it really mean to “train up a child in the way he should go?”
Every Godly mother realizes that when Gods way is implemented early in a child’s life and within the home…lifelong habits are established.
When a child is taught from birth the correct way to live…by the time they become an adult themselves… they will already be well grounded in the proper way to live.
God knew long before science figured it out…that being a mother and raising a family would be a very demanding and difficult thing to do.
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When I think of the word Mom…It reminds me of the process that happens…when a piece of coal is compacted under extreme pressure for thousands of years…the end result is a priceless gem.
This is why…every mother is a diamond in God’s eye…because you can handle life under extreme pressure.
That is why God…created Mom’s different from Dad’s.
God gives each mother special abilities that help in keeping the home/family in working order.
The first ability that is found in a Christian Mother’s life is…
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Every Christian mother understands in order for the home to function properly first and most important…she needs to be firmly grounded in Christ.
How well does the electricity in your home work if it has been installed improperly from the start?
When a home is first being constructed…before the drywall and paint are installed…every builder knows that there are very important steps that need done before the finished project is revealed.
Building a lasting home begins with…