Moses' Parents Faith; A Loving, Fearless Faith Series
Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What extreme would a parent go to for a child. Most of us would say we would go to the most extreme to protect our children. This were we find Moses’ parents. His parents are an excellent example of an unknown married couple who had great faith in God.
Letting your faith do the walking part X
Moses’ Parent’s Faith: A Loving, Fearless Faith
Hebrews 11:23
What extreme would a parent go to for a child. Most of us would say we would go to the most extreme to protect our children. This were we find Moses’ parents. His parents are an excellent example of an unknown married couple who had great faith in God. They were just common, ordinary folk within their community, yet they believed God and had a strong faith in Him.
I want to read to you the account of the birth of Moses from the book of exodus 1:22-2:10 by way of introduction for this message.
Moses’ parents stand as a dynamic example of a loving, fearless faith. Lets see what we can learn from there life.
Read Scriptures: Hebrews 11:23
I. Moses’ Parent’s had a faith that obeyed their hearts.
Vs. 23 “By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.”
Moses’ parents could have reasoned, as did most other parents at that time that it would be better to play it safe, the child would be sacrificed so that the rest of the family would survive.
To keep the child endangered the whole family. But they believed that he was a special child for whom God had a great purpose and did not give in to fear and defied the king’s decree.
They followed what they believed to be right in there hearts. That was a risk. It was a brave choice; their faith led them to make it.
Adrian Rogers told about the man who bragged that he had cut off the tail of a man-eating lion with his pocketknife. Asked why he hadn’t cut off the lion’s head, the man replied: "Someone had already done that."
What about you in your life, when was the last time you stepped out in faith just simply because you knew in your heart it is what God wants you to do.
Sooner or later faith will mean having to do something that will challenge us, something that is different, even if that is just speaking to someone about Jesus, or becoming a Christian, or tithing etc. What will you do to get out of your comfort zone?
What Moses’ parents did not do was give in to fear. When I started preaching I found it terrifying, I would feel sick, I thought how could I do this for the rest of my life and survive. But I did it – scared. Now I still get nerves, I love doing it. Courage is doing it scared. Whatever it is, making the decision to become a Christian, stepping into a new area, job, speaking out. Maybe it is time to take a step of faith, a bold and courageous step. Follow what you know almighty God has placed in your heart no matter the fear you may have.
II. Moses’ Parents had a faith that was fearless despite opposition
Vs. 23 “By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.”
As we already said it was the law of the land that every new born male child be thrown into the river at birth. Failure to obey the law most-likely meant death to the law-breaker.
His parents risk there lives disobeying this law. But I want you to notice what the verse says, “and they were not afraid of the King’s edict”.
They totally trusted God to protect Moses, to preserve his life, and by doing so they cast there own lives in the hands of God.
This is the point no matter the opposition, no matter the consequences they were set on obeying what God told them in there hearts.
Some of us God has called us to do something, and the moment we face any opposition we throw up our hands and say well this must not be God’s will. Be careful when you make that assumption, because you must understand that our enemy Satan has a will for your life as well and sometimes it is easier to do the will of satan for our lives than that of God.
Opposition does not automatically mean it is not God’s will.
Charles Stanly is one my favorite radio preachers, He made the comment last week and I totally agree with him, “why is it that we believe the majority rules in the church, because he said, I know that most of you are not truly seeking God, so wy would we go with the majority.”
If there is something that comes up in this church, and I as the pastor have heard from God definitively that it is what God wants us to do in the church, and the majority of the church votes it down, God doesn’t sit back and say well I guess I will change my mind. NO we would disobedient.