
Summary: Do you really believe? Does your faith meet the minimum thresh hold, that of the mustard seed?

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Moses and Elijah.. and you

Moses and Elijah stand out as two very great prophets in the Kingdom of GOD. They even came from their heavenly abode to meet with our SAVIOR in Matthew 17:3. Before that JESUS our SAVIOR said that HE had not come to destroy the law or the prophets but HE had come to fulfill them.

Very simply and basically, it shows that JESUS appreciated and accepted the works of the prophets that had walked this earth before HE HIMSELF physically walked this earth. The scripture tells us that all our works will be tested by fire to see what kind of work it is. 1 Corinthians 3:13. Yes, Beloved, your works will be tested too!

There is no doubt that the works of Elijah and Moses were tested by fire and that they made it and successfully are eternally in the Kingdom of heaven.


i. Both these men have no epitaphs. Moses had a funeral conducted by The LORD HIMSELF and a grave which no one knows the location. Elijah had a fiery exit, hence no grave and no funeral. But here they show up talking with our SAVIOR. What can we get from this? Man of GOD, fulfill your calling in peace and truth. Stop worrying about your legacy and grave. God will ensure that your testimony and legacy, if any, are known, recorded and passed down to generations.

ii. Both men forsook the trappings of wealth, fame and royalty of their time. Moses and Elijah had access to the ruling political class. They did not use this closeness and access for personal benefit, growth and riches. Instead they shunned it and used the opportunities granted to display the greatness and superiority of the Kingdom of GOD. Now, you my fellow believers, who post for us photos of yourselves smiling with the enemies of the church and worse still even praying for them to continue prospering in their evil ways. Beloved, can we be serious please? Can we please be serious! Moses and Elijah and JESUS CHRIST did not mince words with kings and earthly authorities and did not revel in their interactions with these earthly kingdoms.

iii. Both men had serious conflicts and run-ins with kings of their time. Elijah with Ahab and others and Moses with Pharaoh and others. Ahab and Pharaoh exited the earth before Elijah and Moses did. Moses and Elijah knew they served a higher kingdom and they lived to see the manifestation of this kingdom in their day to day lives. Nowadays, servants of GOD are greatly intimidated and terrified by earthly rulers and governments. In some cases, some preachers want to join the world system and run the world; they want to join the political class. This is because they don’t know and understand the excellence, superiority and magnificence of the government of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Worse still, we modern day children of GOD don’t believe that this Government of JESUS can stand for us in spite of it clearly standing for and with Moses and Elijah.

It is a tragedy to see people calling themselves servants of GOD, going to beg for favors from earthly kings and governments. Others still, take the offerings and support from the children of God who come to their churches to give to earthly rulers and governments to gain favor and support for their ministries. If you do this and you are a man of GOD, you are deceived. The Kingdom of JESUS is in this world but not of this world that is why JESUS did not bow to whichever government. HE told them plainly that whatever authority they exercised over HIM had been given to them. When they wanted HIM to perform a miracle, He called them foxes and stayed away from them. And here you are, following politicians like a sick puppy, begging them for money and favors not knowing that you are selling your souls and ministry. Here is what you should do, go, join them and stop misleading the children of GOD. Whoever, proliferated the lie that Christians should enter politics lied to Christians. The ways of JESUS CHRIST diametrically oppose the world system. This lie of Christians and politics is not new. Remember, the emperor who ‘converted’ to Christianity with a view of getting combatants for his army. The church has never recovered from this ‘mingling’ with ‘emperors’ hence the call, “ Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues...” Revelation 18:4. There are many such ‘emperors’ today who use scripture to fulfill their own purposes and agendas. They don’t believe in GOD but have earthly purposes and they proliferate lies to entice gullible children of GOD. These are businessmen in league with the great harlot. They know that Christians are many and nowadays majority rules. They want numbers. Beloved, ultimately you are responsible for your soul. Not your pastor or your church. If you fall into the traps of these lies, that’s your fault. You will commiserate together in hell. Guard your heart for from it flow the issues of life. You are well advised to be aware of their devices, ploys and shenanigans. As one Servant Mackenzie put it, the main purpose of these governments is to persecute Christians especially during the tribulation , as they hide behind seemingly noble endeavors and works. Beloved, walk in the light, and if your darkness is light, come to JESUS the Light.

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