Moses - An Embattled Leader Series
Contributed by Thomas Monroe on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Every leader will feel embattled from time to time.
Moses - An Embattled Leader
Exodus 32
Every leader must:
I. Expect doubters!
A. Moses had his! (37:1-2, 22-24)
1. Aaron
2. The people
B. God had His!
1. Satan (Job’s life)
2. The Pharisees
3. The disciples (Peter, Thomas)
C. We will have ours!
II. Care - Even when we don’t feel like it!
A. Moses cared enough to beg for God’s mercy
for the people. (11-14)
B. Christ cared enough to ask for God’s mercy
for His killers. (Luke 23:34)
C. We will have to care for those who are, at
times, difficult to care about!
III. Rebuke when necessary!
A. Moses came down from his mountain top
experience with God only to have to rebuke
the people for their ungodliness. (19-21)
B. Christ had to rebuke His followers from
time to time. (Peter - Matthew 16:21-23)
C. We must be ready to rebuke when necessary.
IV. Oppose what is popular!
A. Most of Israel was involved in this
ungodly activity. It takes a real leader
to stand for what is right. 25-26, 30)
B. Christ opposed the popular opinions of the
early religious leaders.
(Matthew 21:23-27, 26:69-75, John 6:60-71)
C. We must oppose what is ungodly and testify
to what God desires.
V. Discipline effectively.
A. Moses’ punishment of the offenders might
seem extreme, but we must look at it as
being symbolic of how God will deal with
offenders. (27-29, 35)
B. Christ will deal severely with those who
oppose Him and His Kingdom. (Rev 19:11-21)
C. Our “justice” must be fair and effective.