
Summary: Believers in Jesus can find relief from worries through His Word.

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TEXT: Luke 10:38-42, Colossians 1:15-19

INTRO: Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get stressed out in the every day issues of life that you neglect the most important Person in life, Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior?

ILLUS: The Mayo Clinic stated that statistically 85 percent of their total case load were ill either in reality or artificially due directly to mental stress. At the beginning of this century, bacteria to be the center of attention. Today, mental stress has replaced bacteria.

There’s got to be a better way to live than being stressed out, worrying all the time! Worry has been compared to the rocking chair. It will give you something to do, but won’t take you anywhere!

PROP. SENT. The Bible teaches that God would have us to learn what is truly necessary in life. God’s people are to be consumed with the uncompromising Word of God over the unnecessary worries of this life!

TRANS. SENT. With this in mind today’s scripture focuses us on the essentials of overcoming a worry-filled attitude and enjoying a Word-filled mindset!


A. Companions & Communion (Lk. 10:38a)

1. Jesus and his disciples are in traveling mode here.

2. As they come into this certain village, most likely Bethany, the plan is just a short stay.

a. Bethany was the village where Jesus’ friend Lazarus lived and He stayed there during the Passover Celebration which ultimately climaxed with His crucifixion on the cross of Calvary.

3. In the midst of a hectic ministry schedule, Jesus greatly enjoyed the company of his companions!

4. They were out working together doing the Father’s will of preaching the good news of the kingdom and ministering to people of all kinds.

5. Jesus wants us to be involved in ministering His Word – yet HE also knows we need others to sustain us in the journey!

ILLUS: Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs. T. Fuller

6. Not only does Jesus call each of us to “do” ministry for Him, He also calls each of us to “be” with Him in a personal relationship!

7. For example, Mark 3:13-15. So many of us focus on the duty side of ministry (power, preaching, providing, etc.) that we neglect simply the “being” side of ministry… “that they might BE with Him.”

a. Just think, Almighty God Himself wants to

spend each and ever day with you!

b. The greatest experience in life is knowing

the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal way!

c. Knowing Him as Master leads to growing in

Him as a minister!

1) That’s where real meaning and purpose in life comes from!

2) Knowing that you are connected in a vital relationship with God fills your life with purpose and meaning!

3) What are you doing in the way of pursuing Him on a daily basis?

ILLUS: One man studied 50 pastors in search of the common denominators that led to church growth. They covered the bases from plenty of parking, vision for the future, creative programming, openness to new people, and financial stability. The man concluded, “I have found among these pastors a deep passion to build a big church; however I have not found a corresponding passion to know God.

B. Completion & Comfort

1. At the completion of a long days ministry, Jesus and His companions were probably famished!

2. They are eager to come in and put up their feet on the couch and find some much needed comfort!

3. Perhaps wanting to review some of the “ups” and “downs” of the day!

4. Talking about people’s lives who have been changed by the power of God!

5. Aren’t you grateful this Thanksgiving for a place to call “home?”

a. Many of your are completing a very tough

year and perhaps now is the perfect time to seek a little extra rest and relaxation.

b. If you have had a bit of a restful year, perhaps now is the time to get in gear and be busy about serving others in the name of the Lord Jesus!

6. One of the names of Jesus is the “God of all comfort.”

7. It’s the comfort and strength of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ that enables us to go through even the most extreme of times!

ILLUS: Christ my Saviour, Christ my friend; Christ my treasure without end: Christ when waves of sorrow roll; Christ, the comfort of my soul. (Unknown)


A. Courteous Luke 10:39

1. “Martha opened her home to him.”

2. Not only did Martha welcome Jesus into her home,

but his 12 disciples as well!

3. Because of Martha’s courteous attitude, I want you

to just imagine all that she’s going through in

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