More Than Conquerors
Contributed by Joel Sanabria on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Understanding what it means to be more than a conqueror!
A few years ago, there were many groups of young Christians that would go out into the streets of New York City, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ without fear of no one. These young Christians would set up tents in many parts of the city and preach the gospel to many people and they would hear the testimonies that these young Christians had and many accepted Jesus Christ as there Savior. They ran around singing and shouting with great joy saying "Who shall separate us from the love of God", others would say "When the devil start messing God starts blessing". But out of all that they were saying, there was one phrase that seriously caught my attention "We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ".
One thing that Christians must realize is that we are not super human and we are not gods. We will suffer and pass through some hard times, but what we should always remember is that God is for us and nothing shall separate us from the love of God that’s in Jesus Christ. This is the promise we find in Romans 8 which is one of the most hopeful and comforting passages in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the central theme, and Paul defines the Spirit’s role in our lives.
Dr. John F. MacArthur, Jr. states the following:
Paul was certain that the Holy Spirit would grant him whatever was necessary to sustain him in any situation. The Greek word translated “provision” in Philippians 1:19 means “bountiful supply” or “full resources.” Paul understood that he could rely on the complete resources of the Holy Spirit, based on what Jesus promised (Luke 11:13; John 14-16; Acts 1:8). That truth is a source of confidence–not just for Paul, but also for us. Every genuine believer possesses that same source. Romans 8:26 says: “The Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” That’s how things work out for good (v. 28). Trials, tribulations, and sufferings don’t resolve themselves for us in some vacuum. But we are able to endure them through the provision of God’s Spirit – a provision we can know by faith and obedience (Dr. John F. MacArthur, Jr., The Power of Suffering [Wheaton, Ill: Victor Books, 1995], 77).
The Spirit works alongside us as we relate to God, even praying for us when we don’t know what to ask (8:26). Mainly, the Spirit teaches us the benefits of being a child of God.
The circumstances of a believer’s life are ordained by God. In the life of the believer there is no such thing as chance. God by His providence brings you into circumstances that you cannot understand at all, but the Spirit of God understands. God is bringing you into places and among people and into conditions in order that the intercession of the Spirit of God in you may take a place. Never put your hand in front of the circumstances and say, I am going to be my own providence. All your circumstances are in the hand of God, so never think it strange concerning the circumstances you are in.
Conflict won’t disappear completely yet, says Paul, for we are part of a "groaning", imperfect creation (8:18-25), but with God working for us, we can be more than conquerors, and one day God will make all creation perfect again. That promise should assure us that nothing can separate us from God’s love (8:38, 39).
Is it worth the struggle? I sometimes ask myself this very same question. Paul never minimizes suffering; after all, his own life included beatings, imprisonment, shipwrecks, assassination attempts, and chronic illness, but he insists with absolute conviction that future rewards will outweigh all present sufferings.
Olympic athletes endure years of eight-hours of practice sessions and much discipline and pain for the goal of winning a gold medal. Similarly, the Christian’s life on earth may involve many difficulties (verses 22, 23), but the end result will make them seem worthwhile. Paul doesn’t promise that only good or pleasurable, things will come to the Christian. What he does say is that even the difficult experiences described in verses 35-39 can be used in God’s overall plan for good.
The main reason for problems and sufferings is so that our faith in God can grow even more each day, and so that we can rely on God’s strength instead of our own. Many people try to solve their own problems with their own strength and all they do is make things even worse. Others try to find a way out of their misery and they choose suicide, drugs, violence or drinking as their way out.
Just as we have problems in our physical lives, we also experience problems in our spiritual lives. Facing and conquering these problems cause us to grow and be strengthened, whether those problems are physical or spiritual. As we grow in the Lord, we bring glory to God as He demonstrates His faithfulness and shows us that His grace is sufficient for every need (2 Cor. 12:9), but suffering should not drive us away from God, instead it should help us to identify with Him further and allow His love to reach us and heal us.