Model For Leadership
Contributed by Ruel Camia on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I want to talk about Models 2. What do you think of? Clothing, Plastic Model, A person to model after? 3. I think of the Model of the Bible Building at Harding. It was a miniature of what it was to look like 4. Webster: 1) An object, u
Title: God’s Model for Leadership
Purpose: To motivate the church embrace a Biblical model of leadership
Intro: 1. I want to talk about Models
2. What do you think of? Clothing, Plastic Model, A person to model after?
3. I think of the Model of the Bible Building at Harding. It was a miniature of
what it was to look like
4. Webster: 1) An object, usually in miniature, representing something to be made or
already existing. 2) A person who poses for painters or sculptors 3) A person or
thing to be imitated or patterned after 4) A person employed to wear clothing to
display them
5) That which strikingly resembles something else
5. Jesus is our model to imitate (He is also the model for leadership)
6. The Bible gives us a distinct model for leadership
a. One that is used of God’s leadership in the 23rd Psalm
b. One that Jesus used of himself in John 10
c. One that is used of leaders of the leaders of God’s people in Ezekiel 34
7. Model is not a Hireling or Cowboy or CEO/Manager, but a Shepherd
8. Text: Ezekiel 34:1-10 - Will look at this text to see why Shepherding model is used
a. Context: Condemnation of the leaders of Israel - calls them Shepherds
b. In the condemnation, we are given a picture of what a shepherd does
c. This picture will help us to see what leaders in the church are to do
I. Shepherds feed (or pasture) the Sheep (v.2)
A. An Elders ministry involves feeding the flock
B. Exposition
1. I Peter 5:2 - Peter tells them to shepherd (or feed) the flock
2. Not about doing the “deciding” in a board meeting
3. Get as many elders as you can, I believe
a. Doesn’t work well with board meeting model
b. Works great with shepherding model
c. More sheep, more shepherds, better off sheep are
d. Large churches often don’t have enough shepherds
4. How does the shepherd feed the flock? (I Pet 5:1-3)
a. Involves an elders example
b. They don’t just tell you what to do (lord it), they MODEL it
c. They are spiritual fathers, we are to follow their example
5. So that is the key, leaders lead (not drive) and the sheep follow
6. Jesus paints a picture of how this works in John 10:1-5
a. Context, the theives and robbers are the Pharisees
b. (v.3) Sheep hear the voice and follow
When my son was born, I could pick out his voice in the hospital nursery. I knew the sound of his voice
c. (v.14) His sheep know him, and He knows his sheep
C. Lynn Anderson gives a depiction of this in his book
"They Smell Like Sheep"
D. The shepherd leads them to green pastures where the food is good
1. Elders in the church see that the disciples are getting all the food groups
2. Ensure it is Sound (healthy) Doctrine. Healthy food.
II. Shepherds Strengthen the Sickly (v.4a)
A. Let’s face it, a flock needs Shepherds to stay healthy
B. Specifically according to this verse
1. He strengthens the sickly
a. Sometimes you have a runt, do you beat it to make it eat?
b. You hand feed it milk, not solid food
c. ILL: A runt cannot handle what others can
- Like frozen juice, can’t drink it concentrated
- Has to be diluted and taken over time
- Jesus at one point said “I have many more things to tell you but you can’t bear them right now” He gave them what they could handle.
d. The key to handling the sickly is gentle care
2. He heals the diseased
a. Many sicknesses
- Atrophy - Non use, non growth
- Food poisoning - From not getting “Sound” food
- Goatitis - Inflammation of the head, they start butting the sheep
b. Even deals with physical sickness (James 5:14-15)
3. Binds up the broken
a. Sheep stumble and get injured in this life
b. Elders are part of a trauma team - Ministry is to deal with wounds
c. ILL: The couple that lost a child, searched for answers, preacher
and others gave them theological answers & sent them on their way.
When they came to one of the Elders, he said, I don’t know,
and cried with them. He didn’t have answer, but knew the cure.
4. Shepherd feels for his sheep.
C. ILL: Strengthening the sickly involves regular examination
1. John 10:2 - He who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep
2. Shepherd gathers sheep into sheepfold every evening
3. With staff, he guides them in one by one & examines them for injury & health
4. Not concerned about the flock, but about every SINGLE sheep