Missionaries – The 12 Apostles
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus and the 12 disicples. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
Sermon Outine:
A strategy (vs 13-14)
A calling (vs 14-15)
A listing (vs 16-19)
Sermon Content:
• British sculptor Sir Jacob Epstein was once visited in his studio;
• By the eminent author and fellow Briton, George Bernard Shaw.
• The visitor noticed a huge block of stone standing in one corner;
• And asked what it was for.
• Sir Jacob Epstein replied: “I don’t know yet. I’m still making plans.”
• Shaw was astounded.
• “You mean you plan your work. Why, I change my mind several times a day!”
• “That’s all very well with a four-ounce manuscript,” replied the sculptor,
• “But not with a four-ton block.”
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"
The Bible makes it clear that God is a planner:
• The Bible teaches that he had a plan for his world:
• Before he was ever the creator, he was the redeemer!
• Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4-5: tells us that you and I as believers were:
• “Chosen before the foundation of the world!”
• God had a plan for his world;
• And while he was in the world Jesus had a plan concerning his ministry.
(1). A strategy (vs 13-14):
• As you read the gospels you soon notice that there is a strategy in what happens;
• Jesus did not just wonder from place to place;
• He had targets, goals, aims – we would say a strategy!
• Jesus had a plan for his ministry:
• i.e. He worked to a timescale; we often read those words “My time has not yet come”.
• i.e. Another example of that plan is seen in verse 13;
• Where Jesus would choose for himself twelve disciples.
• i.e. Another example of that strategy is seen in our reading today:
• A new phase of Jesus’ ministry is under way:
• It begins with the calling of the 12 disciples,
• And ends with them being sent out on their mission (chapter 6 verses 6-13)
• We have seen in our studies of Mark’s gospel over the last few weeks;
• That Jesus was rejected by the religious establishments of his day,
• Not once did Jesus ever break any of God’s laws;
• But he constantly, at times deliberately broke the man made rules of the religious leaders.
• When the synagogue and the towns were being closed to him;
• By the religious establishment;
• He decided to take his message away from them & their influence;
• And outside into the open-air.
• Verse 7: “Jesus went out to the lake with his disciples, and a large crowd followed him”
• A similar thing happened in our own country seventeen hundred years later;
• By John Wesley (one of the founder of the Methodists Church);
• Wesley was being persecuted by clergymen and magistrates;
• Because he and his followers preached the gospel;
• Without being ordained or licensed by the Anglican Church.
• This was seen as a social threat that disregarded institutions.
• Ministers attacked them in sermons and in print,
• On a regular occurrence mobs attacked them physically.
• But Wesley had a plan, a strategy;
• If Churches were closed to him he would preach in the open-air.
A page from John Wesley’s Diary reads as follows:
• Sunday morning, May 5, preached in St. Ann’s,
• Was asked not to come back anymore.
• Sunday p.m., May 5, preached at St. John’s,
• Deacons said, "Get out and stay out."
• Sunday a.m., May 12, preached at St. Jude’s,
• Can’t go back there either.
• Sunday p.m., May 12, preached at St. George’s,
• Kicked out again.
• Sunday a.m., May 19, preached at St. somebody else’s,
• Deacons called special meeting and said I couldn’t return.
• Sunday p.m., May 19,
• Preached on the street, kicked off the street.
• Sunday a.m., May 26, Preached in meadow:
• Chased out of meadow as a bull was turned loose during the services.
• Sunday a.m., June 2, preached out at the edge of town,
• Kicked off the highway.
• Sunday p.m., June 2, afternoon service,
• Preached in a pasture, 10,000 people came to hear me.
• What happened to Wesley the servant;
• Happened seventeen hundred years earlier to Jesus the master!
Verse 6 tells us that the religious establishment had rejected Jesus:
• Not only that they had planned to kill him:
• “They plotted with the Herodian’s how they might kill him”.
• Normally Jews would have nothing at all to do with the Herodian’s;
• They despised them.
• ill: This coming together with the Herodian’s is like;
• The FAR-right British National Party joining with the Unite Against Fascism Party.