Mission Possible
Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Great Commission is to be a guiding force in the life of the church
Mission Possible
Matthew 28.16-20
July 27, 1997
Morning Service
I. Mission Impossible: Ethan Hunt, breaks into special room at CIA, detects sound, motion, heat, ect , impossible task that can not be done, mission is given before the work can begin
II. Impossible Tasks: mowing my mother’s yard, even worse grandma’s yard, all with a push mower, impossible tasks seem like mountains, one must begin before one can succeed, this is key to everything
III. Work of the church: Impossible tasks begin with one small step, our task begins with a mission
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I. Availability
A. Disciples had not seen the risen Jesus: Women had seen Jesus, Disciples did not see Jesus at the tomb, no real proof, women gave the instructions of Jesus, more than the eleven, the whole group of eleven plus others
B. Disciples went to mountain: They followed the direction of Jesus, made themselves available to Jesus when He called,
C. Disciples went where Jesus told them to Go: They were obedient, followed the call, did as they were asked
II. Worship
A. Disciples Worshipped Jesus: They saw Jesus in His glory and fell at His feet, they knew that they were in the presence of God, they knew His position, knew He was God
B. Some were doubtful: There were some in the group who did not see and believe, this is astonishing that they could see and not believe, Jesus was there in His glory
C. Jesus knows the doubt: Jesus sees their doubt, He knows these people well, He then speaks to dispel all doubt
III. Submission
A. Jesus has all authority: The quantity of Jesus’ authority is unlimited, the scope of Jesus’ authority is unlimited, He was given all authority, authority is to be able to say whatever a person thinks or believes,
B. Source of authority: Jesus was given the authority, it comes from another source, the Father gives, Jesus did not have this until after the resurrection
C. Place of authority: In heaven and earth, the universe is His to command, He is Master of everything and everyone,
IV. Obedience
A. Go: Jesus gives direct command, not a nice suggestion, commitment must be made, sacrifices must be realized, not an easy task but a needed one
B. Make disciples: More than message of salvation, must have training in the teachings, traditions and worship
C. Baptizing: More than just one act, baptism is symbol of new life, the celebration of all sacraments
D. Teaching: Training and preparation of new converts, new servants was crucial to survival, teachings of Jesus and specific training of the disciples
V. Power
A. Greek: Surely - interjection calls special attention to the next phrase
B. I am with you Always: Jesus gives a special promise, promise of presence, never leave them, Always - all the days, everyday of our life
C. End of the Age: Jesus return, Jesus will lead, direct, and empower the disciples to do His work
I. Availability
A. We must be available when Jesus calls: we must be committed to take the hard road, we need to follow wherever Jesus will lead us, this is not easy, we must be available for those who need us,
B. We must be available to do ministry: ministry can happen in minutes, care and compassion for others, the work of Jesus is never done, even a cup of cool water in the name of Jesus
C. We must be available even when we are unsure: we must see how we can make a difference, Jesus can use you to do great things, move beyond the uncertainty to do ministry
II. Worship
A. We must have authentic worship: Worship that celebrates the presence of Jesus, not dull or boring,
B. We must have authentic Faith: days of doubt, feel Jesus isn’t there, we can’t be an impact on our world, move beyond that and be there for Jesus
C. Jesus can dispel our doubt: when we doubt or dont feel God, pray harder, look deeper and thirst more for Him
III. Submission
A. Jesus has the Authority: God gave Him everything, He is in control, He is large and in charge
B. Jesus is God: Rules the universe, Everything is under His power, person and position
C. Jesus is King: King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus is the Lord of all
IV. Obedience
A. We must Go: Must go out of the church, church means more outside these four walls,
B. We must make disciples: teach the Word, teach the basics of Belief, produce active christian witness, discipleship is more than coming to church it is living the faith,
C. We must celebrate the sacrament: active means grace from God, active participation in the sacrifice and work of God, more than mere sentiment or remembrance but rather a living deed and act of faith